Can I get one good reason as to why Marijuana is still illegal?

Can I get one good reason as to why Marijuana is still illegal?

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Because it makes already dumb people even more insufferably dumb.

Because the old people in our government lived through the vietnam era where some people who protested the war smoked weed and saw them as anti-american/anti-patriotic and quite literally want to punish them until they croak

Is that really the case? Even then, people should be able to do whatever the fuck they want.

It is hard to tax.

Sure then go fucking kill people. Do whatever the fuck you want maaaannnn. Don't let tha maaaaaan hold you down.

No it isn't. I'm here in Cali it fucking is not hard to tax, thats some 8th grade mentality bullshit.

Lmao. It really shows the government really only cares about money. Fuck the fed. Seriously.

THC downregulates cannabinoid receptors which regulate emotion and are involved in runner's high.

Just as people want to kill others, people can defend others and themselves. That's why guns exist. So everyone has a chance to defend themselves, just as the can hurt others.

Of course. But look at what alcohol, cigarettes, and sugar do. All of them can be harmful. It is up to the person if they abuse it or not.

Because its still federally illegal.

My girlfriend went to Canada for a month and a guy introduced her to it. Now I'm fucking pissed off that she got into it..

Why is it illegal in the first place? Plus, it is even considered essential in legal states, but people are still in prison for peaceful Marijuana possession in others. Makes absolutely zero sense.

Why is that if I may ask?

Because before that she wasn't even into alcohol. Now she's drinking and this pos send her edibles through mail from Canada to Europe. She's out of them rn thank god, but keeps talking about wanting to do more.

Now she became a normie drinking/drug using girl. Takes away from her purity

does your girlfriend know she's dating a little bitch?

I'm not a little bitch. I just see it as degenerate behaviour that's below me.

NHS wont make any big bucks on it and the government is ran by the bad kind of boomers who think it'll make your woman fall for black dudes, for the UK anyway

>My girlfriend went to Canada for a month
you know that she probably got fucked over there, right?

So get rid of her if you don't like it. Or try it yourself lmao

Because people would not put up with governments shit if they were not numbed by alcohol

I think you're a cuck my guy.


Whatever he's across the ocean not like I can whoop his ass

You can just grow it in your garden, the only thing preventing you is the law.

Because of how addictive it is. And before you start crying that is isn't just know that that's bullshit. Read any pot thread here on Yas Forums and it's always about how people need their weed to help them calm down after the day. EVERY. FUCKING. DAY. Like an addict.

Embrace the lib right anons

sounds like something a bitch would say

carry-over from the US prohibition in the 20s. Weed and Alcohol were blamed as the reason for the economy and migrants ruining everything, so they were outlawed.
Alcohol prohibition caused more problems than it solved so it was repealed but weed stayed illegal.
America, basically being the World Police since WW2 basically forced every other nation to comply, even traditionally weed-smoking countries like Japan.
Ask most 90 and 100 year olds and they'll tell you they remember running around 10ft high weed plantations and hemp plantations as kids but since the 60s it's illegal to have fun.

Now we live in a society where going /out/ is seen as a negative thing and the govt's actively trying to discourage it because it lowers productivity.

and i bet you take pills your doctor gives you every day and depend on them.

no reason. they just wanna. make it so people cant have any fun tbh. also bad vibes man.

Hey bro, I'm legitimately trying to understand how anti weed people think. Of course you can form an addiction to it. But you can form an addiction to anything. Look at what alcohol and cigarettes do to people. Weed isn't worse. I'm not addicted to weed.

Because nobody wants to put their face on a massive campaign and those who do get fired.

Legit answer.
You cannot copyright it's genes. If it grows in nature, it cannot be solely owned by people. If Monsanto starts selling seeds that grow plants that flower, but cannot make seeds, then the US will legalize it nationally.

so does fox news but that's still legal
what's ur argument

Big pharmaceutical & paper companies who want to still keep making the same amount if not more every single year.

That was the whole reason in the first place.

Because it actualy is bad for the health.
I used to smoke 4-6 times daily for 2~3 years from joints, bongs and shisha and eventualy i felt my brain rotting. Smoking often and for a long period of time is not good for the brain. Some people DO get addicted to it and require it all the time, others manage to controll the addiction

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>is still illegal?
its not, and its because it sucks. always did

Tobacco, dumb fuck.

What about tobacco though?

you sound like a fun fella

most retarded comment

It is illegal though. And it might have sucked for you, but I need it for pain.

so we punish the folks that are selling it without licenses and tax the folks that sell it with licenses. this is what we do in all states with legal recreational marijuana.
what the fuck are you on about retard

Interesting take.

I'd like to see Monsanto sue over strains such as "sour diesel" lmao, just to watch them fail as the full-force of lawyers for dispensaries around the America destroy them in court.

Realistically though, it would never happen. They know they'd lose.

95% of all media platforms are trying to bait you in and sell you twisted news. Both sides do it. Its all in your preference and what bs you wanna hear and from who.

I'm not a degenerate yeah

I can see how smoking all the time without stop can be harmful definitely. But literally anything else can be just as if not more addictive.

"4-6 times a day"
"for 2 to 3 years"
"felt my brain rotting"

Well, no shit bud. If you took 4-6 shots a day, you'd probably feel your brain getting fucked up too.

I think the illegality of weed is a less significant problem than mandatory minimum sentences for non-violent possession charges. I think it's reasonable for a drug that leads to people doing dumb things and endangering other people, but being locked up for x amount of years for having miniscule amounts of said drug is idiotic.

you mean abusing {} is not good for you? and you can get addicted to {}? wow that's so interesting

the only reason weed is illegal is because big companies cant Patent a "plant", so they try to make their own "strains" and patent that, its disgusting.

How is it retarded? Legal weed is taxed to hell which I think is retarded. Taxation is theft. Taxing a plant is facing stupid.

>but I need it for pain.
kek, yeah sure.
Dude if you are in pain get opiates. so much fucking better. Weed is bottom trash substance, right beside alco

People should be able to grow whatever they want without having to have licenses. Why do people need licenses to grow a plant?

amazing. do you do it often?

because you can grow poppy seeds and make opium. anyhow, where is the petition I will sign and have few people that will join as well

there are already feminized seeds. there are even easy ways to feminize them yourself. AK-47 is not sativa or indica, it's the third kind of cannabis which is ruderalis. it's not that strong but hybrids with it make it flower quickly.

whatever though because you have no idea what it's like to grown. start with ~50, wait until 25 look strong and transplant to small pots for 2 weeks. pick out the best 16 and transplant into bigger pots for another 3-4 weeks. then, narrow down to 10 possible champions, and wait another 6 weeks. the males will grow balls and be obvious. get them the hell out. the remaining ones are female. they will never grow seeds by nature. after another 3-4 weeks, they will burst white puffs about half an inch wide and those pistels would LOVE to have male ball powder because each pistel would then grow into a "baby" or seed.

no males, no seeds, all bud. no monsanto needed. this is even with shit seeds from dirt weed. it's all about keeping the sexes separated.

effects aren't well studied and it's for fags

Because marihuana is dangerous, addictive and illegal.

I'm going to have to disagree with you. I was pretty much addicted to percocet and I was in hell. I couldn't function at all. Weed is one of the best things to happen to me. Weed and kratom are the reasons I don't have to do opiates. I'd rather put a natural plant in my body than some chemical bullshit.

I agree with you on the weed but drinking is enjoyable unless you are drinking just by yourself and constantly going in and out of soberness just because you feel like it. Weed is dogshit and just a hype for acceptance and popularity

>some chemical bullshit.
opiates are derived from.... drrrrrrr
OPIUM! naturally occurring substance you fucking mongoloid

My god, you sound like a burden, - unironically hope she moves on to someone that lets her have fun

>because you can grow poppy seeds and make opium
seems rational though that if the production and sale of opium is the problem then we make that illegal rather than the growing of poppies

>alcohol, tobacco, sugar, etc.

Literally anything can be dangerous. Anything can be addictive. Legality is purely superficial. Anything else?

Hmm, it definitely isn't for everyone, but for me and a lot of other people it's fun (or relaxing varying on the type)
