I'm trying to replace my CPU but it won't boot now. What do you think is wrong with it? Can it be fixed?

I'm trying to replace my CPU but it won't boot now. What do you think is wrong with it? Can it be fixed?

Attached: mycpusocket.jpg (1200x900, 363.58K)

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the weakest of baits

have you tried cumming on it

cpu pins are bent

you have rebend them but they might break to be carefull. They need to point upwards.

looks like a blown capacitor

Don't troll, this is not the issue. They are meant to look like that

No way. Nerve gas.

Bent as fuck... Motherboard is garbage at this point

Use a pliers to bend them back

Put thermal paste. That’s the problem.

are you fucking dense?

the socket doesn't have pins. those are either the old cpu's pins or the new cpu after fucking up.

Time to go to the Geek Squad.

Attached: OPs Computer.jpg (720x960, 87.87K)

If no thermal paste, then use tinfoil. That works too.

put some thermal paste on it...

Attached: 1 asYFV7C45jlUI7qug6_u9g.jpg (456x700, 69.64K)


look like you force out the cpu and the pins are all stuck there.

are you sure the new cpu matches the motherboard?
and yeah, remember thermal paste noob!
protip: heat up the cpu in the microwave with thermal paste on, so that you are sure it melts down and covers it all!

This guy gets it

Looks like a software problem. Try updating your drivers.

you didn't put the cpu back in you fucking idiot

shouldnt matter as long as the copper makes contact, use a heavy weight to keep the cpu from falling off like a rock and just duct tape it

delete system32

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jfc. I know this is bait but the pic makes me cringe.

Pull out the pins with tweezers

Come on man you know this is bait lol.

have you tried turning it off and on

use a bigger hammer, it'll fit eventually

Attached: Billy.jpg (517x352, 30.49K)

Blast it with piss.

run a magnet over the pins to straighten them out

Put some more thermal paste on the fucker

Attached: 1339319951341.jpg (2048x1536, 1.47M)

This retard doesn't even know the difference between a motherboard and a hard drive.

Not enough thermal paste between socket and CPU a common rookie mistake that killed far too many innocent CPUs..


The best, or the most retarded, post on Yas Forums this week. I'll put it to an audience vote.

not the new cpu

wath all that off

unbend both pins on the cpu and cpu socket they have to point straight up just like the undamaged pins

Attached: 1339320756633.jpg (550x413, 63.81K)