How do I explain to my girlfriend that I'm leaving her for a man? I'm a bisexual male btw...

How do I explain to my girlfriend that I'm leaving her for a man? I'm a bisexual male btw. I need her to move out by next week so I can move my boyfriend in.

Nothing bad has happened between me and my girlfriend, I just think the guy looks better than her and I like him better than her, should I tell her this? We have been together 3 years I started cheating on her with him a little over a year ago.

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Why do you need to break up with her? Are you running some kind of Christian operating system, where you must be with one person at a time only or you will be forever tortured by imaginary beings after you are dead?

You should be honest about liking the guy more than her, while maybe leaving out the whole "cheating on her" part. In order to be a decent person you really need to give her more than a week to move out unless she clearly has something else lined up

you're fucked, the whole thing's fucked

you're scum. true scum.

Tell her youre a faggot and she needs to get tested for HIV because you've been getting fucked in the ass.
She'll be gone in 20 minutes.

Let's be honest slappy. You're gay. Here's how to remember:

A man who likes dick is gay and sick.
A girl who likes girls is OK and cool.
No one likes watching 2 guys be disgusting.
But 2 girls makes everyone drool.

Right off the top of my dome. Youre welcome internet

>i'm leaving a girl i've been with for 3 years because some faggot has better looks and thats my only reason to destroy a 3 year old relationship
holy fucking shit OP please just fucking kill yourself and spare this world of your coombrain nigger intelligence

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make the bitch leave and dont feel obligated to give an explanation

if the roles were reversed, she would absolutely do the same to you and find a reason why its all your fault.

dont worry, theres a thousand guys on her phone waiting in line. she will definitely find someone to gorilla fuck her, probably the night you tell her.

youre actually doing her a favor by not wasting her time

Have you tried killing yourself?

lol someone mad at no relationship I see

Try: "What's two things you don't have? A dick and a place to stay. GTFO!"

You're an asshole, and it has nothing to do with the fact that you're cheating on her with a guy. I'm glad she's finally gonna be free of you.

Don't break poor thing's heart at least. Make it awkard. Like tell her, you're a fucking faggot, who turns himself on shit stinked men assholes and dick smell.

Ffs just kill yourself.
Like in all honesty

"Babe you know how I said i love you and I love being with you and I NEVER think of being gay with sone dudes dick. Well, guess what?" You have to smile like the gay faggot you are when you tell her, like this :)

Assuming this isn't bait, I hope your faggot boyfriend gives you AIDS

>mfw gays have no morals

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ye but now she's dirty by proxy. She fucked a faggot who put his dick in another man. Even without knowing its that sinking feeling you get when a girl tells you yeah she's fucked black guys in the past, what's the big deal. Dirty by proxy

oh and this will shit all over her self esteem. She'll feel dirty inside, like a man's asshole kind of dirty

a woman will cheat on you for not saying good morning.

anything with a vagina will coast through the love game simply for having a hamhole

as a man, the pickins are much much slimmer and your happiness is much harder to come by.

JUMP AT THE BETTER OPTION and dont let virgins and especially other solipsistic women shame you into unhappiness.

kick her to the curb and dont look back


she'll lie awake at night. Anxious. Wondering just how many times she put that dick in her mouth after being.up another man's asshole. How many times had she kissed him with another man's cum in his mouth and ass? Thats some psychological shit yo. Faggots are selfish as fuck. Its a disease


found OP'S butt buddy, the one who plays the violin like a faggot! Smile! Lets see the shit in your teeth!

First give her more time. A week is pretty shitty if she has nowhere else to go.

Next don't tell her you cheated. No-one deserves to go through the emotional struggle of not feeling like enough because of your shitty actions. Do tell her the relationship has been stale for a while and there's nothing that can be done to fix it.

Finally, it won't last with your new partner, at all. You'll probably get a good year or two out of it if you really get on, but the spark of breaking the rules will get thin real fast when you're actually setting rules for each other to be within. You seem like someone who is poly and just needs to be open about that. Chances are you'll struggle to really connect with anyone if this is how you treat them. Have fun feeling isolated as fuck when you're older and the only connections you have are younger people fucking you for your money. Anyone who ever gave a shit will have long moved on and anyone older will definitely have the life experience to sniff out your shady shit.

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hey! It a freakkn gay orgy in here!

And then OP gets that aids


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this spare her feelings, youre a big meanie bullshit is gayer than OP

spout some more normie platitudes and life time movie network projections about her FEEWINGS

This is the first time I feel absolute neturality towards an OP.
I hate you for being a fucking homo.
But I love you for destroying a female in a single spoken sentence. Her self-esteem will perish, she'll probably get hooked up on drugs and ride the cock carousel to feel better about herself.


>hurr durr straight people NEVER cheat
Not only do straight people lack morals but evidently they lack awareness as well.

>That pic

Man, I really wish I wasn't into Sounding sometimes....

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you're a piece of shit. being gay is fine and this has nothing to do with that. but you're a total piece of shit. kill yourself