Loads of friends tell me that short hair suits me better
Tell me your opinion Yas Forums
>inb4 I look underage
Loads of friends tell me that short hair suits me better
Tell me your opinion Yas Forums
>inb4 I look underage
left is dike right is dorky bitch faggot
show tits.
you need some better glasses, like you 20 and wearing some shit a middle school nigga would wear
I think you look like you have a lot of acne and your long hair doesnt hide it.
God you are some kind of fucking ugly, kill yourself.
Why is that blue sperm trying to fertilize your eye?
You aren’t pretty enough for long hair. Your nose fucks it up
I don't think the hair is the problem mate
sooooo true.....
lmao got me there
I thought about getting some round glasses !
My nose fucks it up for short hair too so I should go bald ?
I think it works fine with short hair. Long hair suits feminine faces better. Your nose gives you a more masculine look
>Loads of friends tell me that short hair suits me better
Yeah sure buddy, your enormous amount of friends tell you this
i'm a man bro
Why is there blue sperm trying to fertilize your eye?
I thought it was funnier to censor it that way instead of putting a black bar.
You dont look underage. You look like a soyboi that'll never be feminine enough to be cute and never manly enough to be hot.. also the whitening of the eyes with the blue... idfk energy or whatever suggests that you're the worst kind of geek and possibly have mild downs syndrome
Don't lie. You thought it was cool until people started trashing it and now you're backpedaling
censor what?
thanks bro
I don't get how a different censoring triggers you this much tho.
are you a redditor, a SJW or what ?
whts up with that dyed hair? why would u do this
u kinda look like a feminist with it
You look like a chick with your hair long
Bad vibes from an ex, I gladly stopped this bullshit and will never do again, it was so fucking bad
oh god i'm glad i fucking stopped so
how do look now? left or right?
right !
also i think long hair suits u better
thanks bro, finally someone who doesn't need to insult others to feel good
im for the long hair party, looks more chill imo
Right looks like Kellin Quinn. If you don't know who that is, I'm not surprised. But, nonetheless, that's who it reminds me of.
dude i'm a metalcore singer so nice
long hair makes you look less of a weirdo
I think you should shave your head and then you won't have to worry about your hair for awhile.