Why is there so much porn on b?

why is there so much porn on b?

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Bots and retards

Probably horny youth

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Random = everything*
porn = popular
everything = distribution of things based on popularity
everything = mostly porn

cos i want to fap ok

You go to a strip club and you're gonna see some tits.

because the board has been taken over by coomer faggots who would rather just look at the same naked bitches all fucking day than do anything remotely interesting. fuck all of you stupid fucking assholes.

Everything else here sucks, at least porn has some merit

but porn is not random. especially the same cycled celeb/loli/cuck threads repeated 247

Mental men acting like women
Reddit raids
Cuck / nigger and all that is perfectly fine.
A ylyl thread, and it's fucking taboo?
Wtf happened to this God damn shit hole. The hole is clogged by Andy. Now it's just layers upon layers of shit. Mods are lazy as fuck. Fuck this place.

Random = everything
everything = distribution of things based on POPULARITY
porn = popular
Yas Forums =/= random
Yas Forums = everything
everything =/= random
random = equal distribution of all things (unnatainable without all autonamy taken from posters)

kikes and japmoot wants more shekels from Yas Forums so it's nigger dick threads and tranny threads 24/7 on here and /gif/ as well

It's Yas Forums you fucking newfag.

>everything = distribution of things based on POPULARITY

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random does not = everything.
are you retarded? where do you get this dumb ass equation?

there is no equal distribution of random things here. it's 95% porn so fuck off.

user.ib was shut down and coomers are incapable of self reflection.

Because i'm horny

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Loli threads won't go away. There's nowhere else on the board they can post, but everything else has a place to go. Why people refuse to use them is beyond me.

we need to bring back yellow army

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Nice dubs, but that wasn't any fucking better. What we need is for beta fags to lay off the cock juice and come up with some actual content that isn't cancer. I member...

you need the coom

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You need a fucking life.


if only. more like its a bunch of 30-40 years old incel basment dwelling neckbeards who never got laid.

porno is my life

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celebrating sexuality

I really like that John Doe series, wish it never got cancelled.

We are the people that made Yas Forums. Without us this would just be another 9fag.

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Gay and tranny porn at that

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I can tell, loser. I used to come here for the lulz. Now they are few and far between because of no friends or family types like yourself. At least you have a ton of losers like yourself to congregate with and take the fun away from free thinkers who aren't addicted to seeing their significant other fucked by someone else. Good job, user. Way to keep culture alive.

I'm a little new to this, so I would like to know what you mean by b, please