Bad ass girl thread

Bad ass girl thread.

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Tfw no post apocalypse honey to shoot normies and eat people with

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top kek

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Did she shoot it herself by accident?

Got lost and tried landing at the enemy’s airfield.

I'm sure she can work a hose but I wouldn't trust her to drag my mayday'd ass outta a building.

Don't be sexist you shitlord women are literally identical to men in capabilities and if you don't participate in this mass societal delusion you're scum.

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Source of picture?

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@samurai_buns on Instagram.

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congrats on finding the absolutely worst frame from that entire film.

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sticks and stones may break my bones, but there will always be some things to offend a feminist

>bad ass

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whao I was just having my morning tea - basted!

source? that looks bigger than DGG's

>women are literally identical to men

except, you know, muscle mass and testosterone, but sure.

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No such thing.

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Yes! Also...

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A-10 Warthog. Near miss by SAM, took out one engine and fucked up the landing gear. Good thing that plane is a fucking flying tank.