I hate minorities and the LGBT community

I hate minorities and the LGBT community.

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why waste energy on hate that is completely meaningless in the long run?

i don't understand how anyone can justify promiscuity as a good thing when it's not even good for the human race, and not good for your soul (if you believe in such a thing, which you should)

Who doesn't?

>not even good for the human race
>not good for your soul

lol wut?
Those aren't universal truths, try again.

What's your IQ?

>(if you believe in such a thing, which you should)
nice try schlomo

>that is completely meaningless in the long run?

If God didn't exist, literally everything would be meaningless in the long run. You, your feelings, your dreams, your "moments", anything and everything you hold dear and sentimental, all of it is meaningless and will no longer be remembered at some point. It's no wonder atheists are undesirable. They're just totally miserable wankers.

Do you still like to watch girls making out?

Atheists can draw courage from the fact that they force their own meaning on the universe, even a believer always has to make that leap of faith in the end and that doubt can make him a miserable wanker too

>meaning only exists through "god"

Jesus, you actually made me laugh out loud. Been a fucking while.

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i want akira to pin me to the wall and take me dry

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But why tho?

I'm a minority in the US and I've worked my whole life, am educated, work on social betterment programs and in general am more concerned about the fermi paradox and climate change than most things.

Why hate a bunch of people you don't know?

imagine believing in a god

>the fact that they force their own meaning on the universe

I'll say they do. By far the most religious people to walk the Earth. The difference between an Atheist and a believer is that an Atheist worships a god, but doesn't admit to it. "I don't believe in anything." What a load of rubbish man. You certainly DO believe in something. "I don't believe in god." Okay, so would you say that you "believe there is no god"? Any denial is purely idiotic. But more to the point, Atheists "believe" in the State. You look to the State, and to the government, for safety, guidance, stability, etc. Essentially, you look at the State as a god. Not calling it "god" doesn't take away from the fact that it IS your god. The State and Government religion. It is to suggest that someone somewhere else has a higher claim over property, affairs, and lives than another. "Follow the laws!" Spoken like a true zealot, no? Who wrote these "laws" Mr. Atheist? And why the HELL should they apply to me? Police are merely the Priests of the Government and State religious system.

They are like the Pharisees of old. "Obey the law or be punished!" How is this NOT religion? Atheists don't call it "god" because their god is not supernatural. But IT IS YOUR GOD nonetheless.

How am I wasting energy? Like yes, I would prefer if they all died but it's not something I obsess about or put any real effort into making a reality. If anything it feels like it would take more energy to tolerate them.

128, but why does it matter?

Retards, faggots, niggers, and jews.

Nope. My a few of my ex girlfriends were bi and honestly my mind barely even registers lesbian sex as sex but more like masturbation with 2 people.

TLDR; Because as a hetero sexual white male in America it's almost obligatory

Statistics, the general problematic nature of *MOST* minorities in America and how heavy handed the media is about accepting their degeneracy which does nothing but bring us all down to their level.

In truth it;'s mostly just niggers. As a whole they have contributed very little to society other than problems. If you're black, I genuinely hope you get shot. If you're another minority I'm sure you're an ok dude, just don't push your luck.

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your hate is obviously occupying your headspace to significant degree, even if you're too deep in denial to admit it

>takes more energy to tolerate millions you've never met and never will meet

fuck, you're a special little idiot.

chill out dude

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you seems like a cool guy. in case we ever meet. whats your poison?

People, comunities and societies change over time and the laws and customs by which they live should be moldable enough to go with this change. A religious document at the heart of a society makes that society rigid because conservatism and looking to the past for guidance, while in itself good concepts, are the only path such a document can offer. Wheres the room for change or reform in such a society, it will die sooner or later

What's mom making for dinner?

why do religious nuts always resort to idiotic fallacies like projecting a need to worship something?
atheism simply does not necessitate some kind of surrogate for a godly overseer
it's a much more natural state to just live your life and not look for something metaphysical to believe in

by the way, the laws of man exist in conjunction with religious doctrines, not in place of them, genius.

minority here. fuck the lgbt community, bunch of pedos and self entitled fuckwads. we should be drafting them and burning them alive.

>niggers, and jews
These rodents will be first to jump a faggot if it comes near their children.
They only like them when they preach faggotry to while people, taking gibs or gaining any kind of social advantage.

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Not that I've ever lived in a location that was predominantly black or anything like that. Voicing a personal opinion and invalidating your opposition with an insult doesn't make you sound smart, it makes you look like a butthurt retard.

All I saw was "im smart and not secure u dont no what ur' taking abot! Bweh!!!" But you're right dude. I'm clearly just in denial and am the one with no idea what I'm talking about.

I'm having fun and I'm pretty chill right now my dude. Welcome to anonymous online debate and general conversation about touchy subjects.

Cyanide, otherwise I gotta gow ith the Whisky.

Says the person living with his/her/its parents.

Feels like a troll, but sure. I think more than anything the vocal ones need to be... taken care of. I've known a fair few LGBT members who were very decent people. But humans in general are stupid and quick to throw everyone under a single blanket so to speak. So yes, if it comes down to the point of murder I would imagine it would be all of them being a target for it. Mob mentality is a helluva thing.

why do you go out of your way to be a special snowflake? do you want attention?

Not him, but 13/50.
You don't need to know every nigger when you know your stats.
Eat shit.

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So you're the average person? Neat.

>my mind barely even registers lesbian sex as sex but more like masturbation with 2 people
damn user, if you gf cheated on you with a woman you can just admit it you know

>bitching about insults while advocating generalized hate
Glad I stuck around long enough to see that retarded hypocrisy.

>libertarian atheists don't exist
huh. who knew.

>I use self-serving generalizations because circumstantial thinking is hard

i was wrong. we cant be friends. ricin or fuck off.

>the laws of man exist in conjunction with religious doctrines, not in place of them,

To an extent, but not completely. The death penalty is one example. If "Off with their heads" sounds like "Turn the other cheek" to you, you may need some self reflection. The State takes it into their own hands to decide whether a man should live or die. That kind of power is not good for any reason. And some might argue otherwise. Until it's THEIR head that is about to come off. THEN it "isn't fair". THEN it's "unjust". The Pharisees stoned people to death for breaking religious laws. Of course, in turn, this made THEM break a commandment. "Thou shalt not kill". So this all has to do with self righteousness. "Let he who is without sin among you cast the first stone." This is a word to make people think "Well... I KNOW I've done evil...." This is why it said "Then, being convicted by their own conscience, they walked out one by one." Jesus didn't say "Don't stone her." He did them one better by saying "Alright. But let he who has never done wrong among you throw first." He knew that they couldn't judge her in good conscience if he called them on their self righteousness. Because he knows that every man alive is a sinner to some degree. What man has the right and authority to take another man's life? "Well he did atrocious things!" SO??? Who are YOU? You in all of your "Holier than thou" attitude. You're a liar, a thief, and for all intents and purposes, a killer. If I said "Well then you should die." Would I be just in that? I shouldn't think you would think so. So why on Earth would you condemn another man, seeing you wouldn't want it done to you?

Are you MoonMan?

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>straight fact that niggers commit crimes is a generalization, because some don't
Any sane person would prefer not taking chances just because some nigger might be as decent as a normal white person.
Why would I do that, for what kind of benefit? Because one out of 100 can be a doctor, engineer or scientist? Lmao.

I repeat, eat shit, nigger.

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