I'm trying not to coom so much, but i keep relapsing every fucking day. And i keep watching the same depraved shit

I'm trying not to coom so much, but i keep relapsing every fucking day. And i keep watching the same depraved shit.
how the fuck do I stop Yas Forumsros, i feel like i have no self-control, and the jews have got their hands on me. fuck

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nothing wrong in masturbation, user. I'm 44y/o and I rub one out pretty much daily. But if you're spiralling into weirder and weirder porn, try taking a break from porn and use your imagination, maybe try just fapping to pictures for a while and then skip those and use your imagination for a while.

my biggest problem is that I lose all self-control when i'm horny, and i end up hating myself afterwards.

Why do you feel bad about it?

cut off your dick, problem solved

>le eterné danacion di Jesus
that's how it goes for me

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of course I do, wouldn't be complaining if i didn't

cease your faggotry

kek. you just don't understand the true spirit of the chan. we're nihilistic anarchists… with a twist.
we don't care if they were "innocent" (who is truly innocent, anyway?)
we just want to watch the world burn.

But why? Is it causing issues for you? What are you trying to accomplish by abstaining?

Self control is something I don't really have a problem with, but if it hurts your brain that bad then just distract yourself with something that doesn't make you an abomination

>Glunk got mad for life
>He took all the diamond like pieces and tossed them to the sky
>So all the stars we see today are Glunk's tears

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why? sounds like Christian guilt and shame, to me. But seriously, try fapping to your imagination.. it works.

newfag pasta

I'm far from christian, just don't like where the urges are leading me and absolutely hate losing control

>where the urges are leading me
are we talking necro gore, coprophagia, CP, snuff and so on?

that, and gay shit

nothing wrong with the gay shit, that's harmless, but of you're seriously getting into snuff and CP then maybe it's time to dial up a therapist.

Nice bot thread

ur mom an bøt

nø, yøu åre the føcking bøt

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serious bro. come join /r/nofap. it's exactly what you need. keep trying everyday

yæs indeed i r an båt

Intermittent fasting. I used to cook every day, or nearly every day. I started fasting - no food on Monday, Wednesday or Friday, sun-up to sun-down. Now I only coom once every 1-2 months - and that's only because I keep violating my own fasting protocol.

fucking lol.. if OP went on nofap he'd just go full school shooter and/or rapist in one months time.

Staying the fuck off of Yas Forums would be a good start. Staying off Yas Forums would even be better. Staying of the internet would be awesome.

stfu homie. you have no idea.
you're right. OP you should listen. staying the fuck of all social media in general would be helpful. maybe except helpful communities. i come here once in a bluemoon only and it's mentally scarring. if you come to b every day. you'll become what you hate the most. you'll be trying to fit in with losers. don't do that.


souns like a plan

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>stfu homie. you have no idea.

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bruh wtf i come all day errday im perfectly sane

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i find weirder tastes the more i'm stressed or i have personal unsolved issues

when I'm stressed out, I rekindle my love of Samantha Fox.

It is time.


Definitely stay off Yas Forums especially if you have gay tendencies. Half this board at any given time is closeted fag threads about trannies and black dick.
Blue boards can be ok though. And the internet itself is not the problem. Just stop being a little bitch about cranking it every day. Fap as much as you want, just put your phone/comp away.

the name is misleading. it's more about no porn than no fap. in fact, fapping regularly is healthy. like once a day or two days.

This guy gets it. don't wank TOO much though. doesn't help with your calcium / testr you need for bones / muscle growth. i'm here for you all day bud

Try some honey comb

closeted fag detected

lmao , i m bad english uga booga

I concur.