Greta Thunberg goes up to you and says "How dare you!"

>Greta Thunberg goes up to you and says "How dare you!"
Wat do?

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kiss her feet obvs

She's got like a... 50% downs look to her.
It's just the right amount, really makes me hard

We're buds. She doesn't say that to me.

"like this" then cunt punt her as hard as I can

Wtf man ?

Just slap like this

You wouldn't?

Not get up set like a trump fag, it’s just a kid with Down syndrome.

cry and confess

Pretty much this exactly. It's a retarded kid. I'd ask if there's someone I need to call to get her back to her parent or guardian because she's clearly lost.

i dare.

you guys are really boring

I would say "How dare you!"
Then we smirk at each other and I grab her pony tails as she goes down on me.




>considered smart enough despite her age to talk about environment 'n shit
>considered too dumb because of her age to be able to consent to fugg
Can't have it both ways yo

How dare I what?

put it in her ass again

Tell her I have intestinal problems and the amount of methane my busted bowels have unleashed upon the world have ripped a hole in the ozone layer the size of Japan

kek. you just don't understand the true spirit of the chan. we're nihilistic anarchists… with a twist.
we don't care if they were "innocent" (who is truly innocent, anyway?)
we just want to watch the world burn.

Not everyone is a seething conservative pedo or a deranged democrat pedo.

Give her a good dicking

Her parents really fucked up her life.

Rape her face with my cock

this thread is lacking greta feet pics

>the true spirit of the chan
get over yourself newfag
true, some of us are gulls. I'm a gull.

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I would lick her face.

>true, some of us are gulls. I'm a gull.
I'm gul dukat, glad to meet ya

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Do you have a costal preference?

I would tell she is my leader, and hero.

You look like a man who could use more coffee!

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how nice!
Pacific.. Baha, nice and warm.

thanks for reminding me, gonna go get the coffee now.


I slowly approach her while gazing intently into her soul. I slowly reach out and squeeze her budding nipple between my thumb and forefinger. Hard. I whisper "I dare very well lottle angel. How dare YOU?" As I press my middle finger onto her throbbing clit

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no u

Nice. Altantic is for shit. And FUCK the Baltic.

Whip my dick out and scream "the mayo is haunting my peeeeeeenis. Can't you do something about it?" then let out a huge fart.