Would you marry a girl that's all over the internet taking dick and spreading her pussy for all your friends to see?
Would you marry a girl that's all over the internet taking dick and spreading her pussy for all your friends to see?
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My God that's meaty
I'd make an exception for Claire
Absolutely fucking not.
If I got to cum all over that body every day then yes, I would marry in a heartbeat
absolutely. Id make fake social media accounts and message her about it too.
Who cares. It's not like genitals are rare or valuable or particularly interesting.
Absolutely not
My wife looks the same, wish all my friends knew she was packing some arbys
Link her vids user
lets go Claire thread
I'd marry porn star veronica Rodriguez today no questions asked and then tongue her asshole tonight
its not even about being all over the net, a porn movie or revengeporn leak is not nearly as bad as being a gloryhole whore swimming in cum pools
whats her name or instagram?
does her fam know
Love the look of beef gliding on my cock. Wife is a camel tho.
As long as I'm the only guy pounding that pussy sure. I mean why the fuck not show off your girl make others envious of your lady, just make sure you have all the things to keep her anchored to you
Yes, why not?
Idc if others have seen her, if I like her and she like me, what's the issue?
But I'm also in an open relationship, so might not be like the normal person for the question
Especially not with those meatflaps
> would suck on that for days
Absolutely not. I don't want to marry a girl who has been fucked by another guy, and I certainly don't want to marry a girl who lets her naked body be public.
you are not
open relationships arent relationships anymore than being a friend with anyone
Isn't that the girl who got cream pied like 10 times in one session at some gross looking glory hole? If so, I like her dress. Very pretty.
Found the extreme christian
Claire Evans
I'm not even a Christian, I just don't have the same laissez faire view of sex that everybody else seems to these days.
9AesWE cord
You are pathetic. Must be used to fucking the neighbors dog or something?
Question? How do young girls get pussies like that? They are gang fucked from age 10 or what?
Don't be ridiculous.
A wife needs to be respectable in the community, a whore yes but not in front of the general public.
I would suck on those beef flaps but never marry.
No. Shows horrible judgement IMO.
SHE TOOK BLACK COCK and that's okay....
You're a cuck and a degenerate.
>Question? How do young girls get pussies like that? They are gang fucked from age 10 or what?
vagina size and shape varies just as much as cock.
Dude, you don't want a girl that has fucked another guy? Are you still in high school, because that's the only place to find girls like that