So I've had this mummified shit nugget stuck in my ass for a while. Its super uncomfortable and makes sitting a pain. Tried to get it out today. Pulled hard. It hurt like hell and my ass hairs had entangled it. Thought about scissors, but didn't do that for obvious reasons. Any thoughts on how to solve this? And no, im not gonna take a picture.
So I've had this mummified shit nugget stuck in my ass for a while. Its super uncomfortable and makes sitting a pain...
take a picture
soak in your bath and rip it out faggot
Take a picture, please.
Even if I wanted to, my cheeks are too tight. Also, no
Theres a miracle substance called "water" that falls out of pipes in your wall.
Combined with another potion called "soap" you'll solve your problem
Like, I'll try to get it in the bath, okay sure, but this thing is entangled. All the ass hairs have covered it and they are all now clumped and tied together.
good >:^D
now just riiiiiip
sounds like it would show up on camera just fine
i think youre just funning us
Ok, i just tried to. You can't see much. Again, my cheeks aren't very elastic and the shit nugget I can only really feel - not see. The only picture I could attach here is a uninviting closeup and theres enough of that on this site already.
post it with a stamp or youre just larping
Here you go, fucker
Great, files wont submit
The classic files won't submit excuse. Show us the nugget, faggot
Why do I even care? Its 3am and im taking pics of my shit stained ass for strangers on the internet. You win Yas Forums. Im gonna do some actual research now. Thanks
Yep, OP did not deliver. As expected
Ok i got it. Enjoy
Cool story faggot larper. Back to r*ddit you go.
man you werent kidding about the hair
Oh lord I think I can see the nugget. I'm stroking user u got moar? Any titty pics?
Man mode rip that fucker out. I to it all the time.
* do
Bro so you've really just been walking around with poop on your butt this whole time? Shave the hair off and the nugley will come off with the hair
that doesnt really prove the ass is your ass, but ill take it
Shave the nug off and post results. I want a close up of its mummified remains to see if we wuz truly kangz
>burgers actually walk around with shit in their pants
Wuz we kangz or wuznt we yall
Slowly tugging. Heard a crack. Shit goes way deeper than I thought. Is manmode the way? The hair is a real issue here
user why the fuck did you leave shit stuck to your ass in the first place?
Did it again - harder. Heard another crack. Getting there