Secret thread? Dad OD'd when I was 9. After that mom went off the deep end and was constantly doing any kind of drug she could get her hands on. Spent time living in our van and living in abandoned houses. Got to the point that she started selling me to pay for her drugs. I was raped by different guys almost daily. She also would rape me and watch cop with me. She taught me how to use her computer to download pthc on limewire without getting caught. Flash forward to when I'm 13, I had enough of it. Just got finished being raped by some fat hic, told me to get him a beer out of the fridge then I could leave. He had a hammer on the top of the fridge. I used it to bash him in the back of the head as hard as I could. Mom asked about the blood on my face and shirt when I got in the car. She went in and looked. Walked back out. Nothing ever happened to me again. She never even hit me or raised her voice at me again. Hell i even had a decent Christmas that year.
Secret thread? Dad OD'd when I was 9...
Would watch cp with me not cop.
Damn sorry to hear that hopefully you are doing better these days
I haven't fapped in 94 days
When i was 5 I sucked my teenage neighbors dick through a hole in a door where the knob should've been.
I use salad dressing without shaking it. I love the separation of all the layers...mmmm
Eh not bad. Could be a lot worse. See a therapist for my PTSD occasionally. But now I'm married and have my own place. Had a good job until this rona shit started. Other then my nightmares I'm a pretty normal guy.
Jesus and I thought what my mom did was evil
do tell more
This. I hope you achieve only better things in this life, Yas Forumsro. That is horrible.
I told myself I wouldn't cheat anymore, I've been clean for a while.
added someone nearby from /soc/, originally just to talk shit. they're cute and into me.
thank fuck for quarantine or I'd have already given in.
I was raped when I was 7. The only reason it really bothers me is because I'm technically not a virgin anymore. Even though I barely remember what happened, I'll never truly get to spend my first time with my future husband.
Found out in a cuck thread on here that my friend wants me to fuck his girl
Did time in the 90s for some incest/young related stuff.
Amazingly I'm not on any sexoffender register .
he'll be the first one to take your ass though right? you can claim it
Can we see your boobs?
tits or gtfo
>I'll never truly get to spend my first time with my future husband.
Unless you marry your rapist.
I love you guys.
do you hate her? what happened to her?
No idea where he is anymore, don't even know his last name. That's not the worst idea I've ever heard though.
you are so brave
If they made a movie out of your life I would watch it.
I'm sure we can track him down, there's always records.
what do you know about him?
Nah I dont really hate her. I dont really hate anyone. She spends most of her time on the Paseo sucking dick for crack from what I've heard. Constantly in and out of jail.
I showered with a friend's mom the summer between 5th and 6th grade, a lot of touching but nothing more than that. I'm sure it's technically being molested but it feels so minor compared to what other people experienced.
She swore me to secrecy and they moved away not long after that but i kept it quiet for a very long time.
I can say it definitely had a large influence on my sexuality and even how i view women but it took me awhile to understand that.
Lol I'm a guy but I guess if you want to see my tits you can lol.
Thanks so much for the offer, but I'm not even sure what his name was. Cody? Caleb? He was a teenager at the time, I think. I can't even remember how many times he did it, either.
That's gross, I'm sorry that she did that to you.
Ooh do tell, what is it she does?
Was in love with the greatest woman in the world and was the happiest I have ever been. She treated me like a god and we had a beautiful daughter together. She has a brother 1 year older than her that she always told me she was very close with but he has been in jail the whole time we were together for drug charges. He is released right after our daughters first birthday. I pick him up from jail at her request and take them out to a nice dinner. He seems nice enough and is being extremely nice to me and telling me thank you over and over and over. He goes to live with his father and my love continues hanging out with him here and there. She starts acting different and I become worried she is cheating on me. Get a FB message from someone telling me she is on drugs and begging people for money. I confront her and she disappears. File missing person report after week and she is missing for 4 months. My whole world has crumbled to pieces. I get a call from a hospital that they have her after an OD and she is in bad shape. She has been prostituting to support her habit and running around with a gang of niggers. She tells me she started doing heroin with her brother and he introduced her to niggers and was collecting money from her prostituting. I buy a full gram of china white from a friend who can keep his shit together. I find her brother passed out at her fathers house already high from heroin while her father is at the hospital with daughter. I shove that gram of china white so far down his throat half of my arm is not visible. Father comes home the next day to find his son dead from a heroin overdose. Fuck that motherfucker he ruined my whole life. I never got questioned because just another junkie OD. Girl never gets better and continues using. I get custody and move across the country. I fucking hate heroin.
Look, if it helps, virginity doesn't matter. Just don't be a whore or freak out when you have consensual sex. Just don't be a freak