Some of you may have missed oit so I'm sharing this with you again.
Some of you may have missed oit so I'm sharing this with you again
please delete.
theres already 2 threads with the pics in.
You a sexy man
What do I get in exchange for deleting it?
ugly fuck
Qrd on this?
dw, anyone that emails you isn't me
thanks for deleting the pic.
Did you actually post timestamped nudes with your face and social media in them? Congratulations, retard: you played yourself
yo, somebody repost the pic
please dont, theres enough threads its been posted in now.
please delete that.
They know you want it deleted. Damage control in this instance is to stop replying and leave the image there so people who are curious don't ask for it.
You're getting off on this shit aren't you
What sort of faggotry is happening here?
Lol this is some kind of larp. It was posted days ago.
I just can’t tell if it’s a random person larping as the self-humiliation guy, or if the self-humiliation guy just doesn’t want us to know he reposts this thread because we might lose interest in making fun of him.
Some user posted pics of himself along with his social media, he tried deleting the pics but other anons already saved them.
its the second one. haha. screw it. catch u later. just let the thread die now
All threads die, the pics that were posted are forever
please dont share that.
time to make as many threads as possible
please dont.
If this is really you, you fucked up big time. As I’m sure your fucking parents tried to tell you at some point, the internet is a forever archive
shut up. stop bumping. this thread was on fucking page 9.
@pealghouse doesn't yield any results on IG or Twitter. I smell a LARP.