Yas Forums is NOT a porn board i’m tired of seeing porn and pedophiles here all day mods do something about it there are even porn boards why don’t you just go there and post your porn??? i’m seriously tired
Yas Forums is NOT a porn board i’m tired of seeing porn and pedophiles here all day mods do something about it there...
Other urls found in this thread:
You could always take a nap.
then go take a nap young lady this is not your moms super secret clubhouse.
are the yellow fags back?
Most of Yas Forums is just coomers and trannies now, it's pretty sad tbh
Si si! Smello Los farto
Fucken yes
if you want to get rid of the porn here, then there should be a Yas Forums for porn.
here bro, this server has your back
And bitches who whine aboot it amirite?
>le eterné danacion di Jesus
that's how it goes for me
>le eterné danacion di Jesus
that's how it goes for me
>le eterné danacion di Jesus
that's how it goes for me
>le eterné danacion di Jesus
that's how it goes for me
>le eterné danacion di Jesus
that's how it goes for me
use the filters or gtfo, new fag
Ah yes this thread again cause it worked so well the last 50 times.
You could just go somewhere else instead of attempting to change the demographic of 1 piece of shit board on the entire internet. You must be either lesbian, gay, black, Greta, or just fucking retarded take ur pick.
Tell Kang to stop using discord and move to telegram. Also drop the link, faggot.
you'd have to get rid of the porn ads first and these faggots can't even organize a circle jerk
honestly Yas Forums has become a porn board and the sooner you accept it the better.
Yas Forums is an F tier board that you should only go to if you wanna fap. but /h/ and /gif/ do that better anyway. give up on Yas Forums all I gotta say.
I highly doubt they'd get rid of porn ads here since that's probably their main source of income.
Then how does anyone expect the porn to go anywhere? Thats why yellow faggots are so stupid
Actually, it's always been a porn board... js.
why tf is the pussy crusty?
discord gg/FrZunR
organize here
>comes to the ancient home of the pedo
>gets mad there are pedos afoot
I coomed in it
btw op, you really should try pushing for a /b2/ board instead of trying to go after porn posters.
Shut up fag. B is a fucking porn board or it wouldn't be under NSFW. How are you this retarded?
We're organizing here, motherfuckers!
discord gg/zgVJeEg