What do you think about Trump’s handling of this coronavirus pandemic so far?

What do you think about Trump’s handling of this coronavirus pandemic so far?

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It's great, fucking pussy. You can stop making these threads now.

Give it a couple weeks. He'll be blaming Obama.

as somebody who wants the virus to spread and wreak much havoc, I'd say he's done a damn fine job.

He's handled it better than all the presidents in history combined would have. No one could have handled it more perfectly. Soon they'll be building statues of him in every town square.

Everyone remember to get those disinfectant injections! Fight Covid-19 Trump-style!

I'm loving it. I'm a NEET with no bills and lost my part time job. I'm making $600 a week more than I was making. Loading up on crypto and shorting various things in the stock market.

Great how?
When there were 15 cases?
Or when it was a hoax?
When he wouldn't let a cruise ship dock cuz it would increase the stats?
When he said that he was in charge?
Or when he said the governors are?
When he promoted a phony cure?
Or asked for research into household cleaners as a treatment?

It is a very difficult scenario for every country but the US should have done a lot better a lot earlier. Unfortunately, Trump seems to be spending more effort on blame-spreading than anything else.

Now, let's begin:
>WHO run by a NIGGER
>China flu, Kung flu, China's fault
>maths comparing europe vs US. bad maths
>You commie, cuck, Democrat, China shill
>You Trumptard, sister-fucking alt-righter, shill
>something Biden
>meme post, meme post

He's doing fine. Can you fuck off now?

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Better than Southpark

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>When he wouldn't let a cruise ship dock cuz it would increase the stats?
So you're saying this was wrong? Are you also one of those pussies who are crying because your pets aren't being allowed to "migrant" to our fucking country when they have the virus?

As well as he could seeing as the Media is out on a turbo panic witch hunt

Poor, he should have done net travel bans on China and ramped up production of test kits.

I think it's not the government's place whatsoever.

>Hur 15 cases, one day it will be zero. We just have the best test kits, the greatest. This was a hoax by the dems.

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>Not the governments place to handle a global pandemic wrecking entire nations
Thanks retard.

Completely incompetent response. Worse every day. Had an opportunity to lead, and blew it off. Can’t stop digging himself an even deeper hole by the hour. Embarrassing and deadly.


t. Needs to be told to wipe their ass after they shit

Oh, so who should lead, the town barber? The fuck outta here.

Nice response, did you think that one up all by yourself?

As good a job as anyone could have possibly done. Bush, Obama, Clinton, Biden would not have handled it better.

ANYONE who says "hurr durr dey would" is a supreme faggot. The world hasn't seen this kind of pandemic since 1918, so go fuck yourself.

Found one of the raging homosexuals posting from his moms basement.

Does it matter? It is what it is. Not like we can hop to another reality.

This is how it is. Live with it. Or don't I don't care.

They at least wouldn't argue with their Medical Advisor or ask if we can use Sanitizer as an injection. huuuur durrrrrrrr

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Really good 10/10 no complaints.

Anyone who suggests otherwise just has an agenda and hates this country.

That’s literally what dozens of dozens of people in this thread are going to say, in not so many words.

Not OP, but I like these threads, and I like your reaction to them.

I agree and I am not a fan of Trump

All world leaders are stupid. Trump just isn't trainable enough to appear smart. Baby Bush is a moron too.

Like a boat without a rutter and plug

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Trumps atleast somewhat relatable though

Yes you are...

besides being a billionaire

Oh ok so when you kinda look at the figures I’m a different way, the death toll in the worlds greatest eco superpower don’t look that bad...

‘Not that bad’.

Worlds greatest superpower = ‘not that bad’ apparently is the best that hardcore patriots can do.

Name calling is a great response.
It definitely makes you look like an adult with adult thoughts. No. Really.

Atleast his not a faggot like obama or a nigger


So, you’re saying that the media’s reporting has made this worse by not letting your president do his job as well.

That’s the president who stood in front of that media and mumbled some shit about injecting disinfectant and then later said it was sarcasm...

But it’s the media who is making things hard for him.

You’re actually saying this.

You're deluded son. His response has been the worst in the world, fact

So fucking cucked.

Guy who he has placed so much fucking faith in fucks up so badly you convince yourself that there was absolutely nothing anyone could have done about it.


After he wins in November, because Biden is clearly suffering from dementia and will be incoherent during the debates, we will complete the process and make him King Trump the first.

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>59,246 cases
Nice info. Shame if it were so out of date it's irrelevant.

(Go and read my post again, see if you can pick up on the sarcasm this time)

(Also, really not a good look that you can’t pick up on sarcasm right now tbh)

This How pathetic is the retard making these threads?
1. Yas Forums always has been and always will be 99% highly conservative. In fact, m00t published data from third party would-be advertisers who in turn paid several consulting companies to independently ascertain the demographic of Yas Forums. When some said they were a bit surprised at how lopsided the numbers were in favor of Yas Forums being so highly conservative, m00t stated that he was "not at all surprised . . . based on his own internal data" and "personal experience". In fact, he said he would be shocked if it was anything but nearly all conservatives here. Thus, just like the '12 and '16 presidential campaigns where m00t said both he and the FBI found Soros' machine working for Hillary here daily in making all these posts, it seems the same retards are here again.
2. All this shit completely backfires on these retards. In fact, Yas Forums played a significant role in getting Trump elected, and a lot of that animus came from the Soros' morons daily shitposting anti-Trump stuff here. Apparently they are too dumb to figure out that anybody on the fence would be completely polarized against this anti-Trump propaganda. It's transparent, beyond non-factual, manipulative in intent (despite having the opposite result ultimately), and frankly, insulting to anyone of intelligence.
3. I happen to be a lifelong Democrat but I did not vote for Hillary in 16 and absolutely, positively will not be voting for Biden (even worse than Hillary, and not even fit for Office, he's clearly senile) in '20. The part of me that would entertain giving Biden a chance diminishes each and every time I see one of these ridiculous propaganda anti-Trump threads. Trump has actually done a very good job in my opinion. I also like Biden, but he is clinically late-stage senility and early stage dementia. He is not qualified to hold the most position in the World. Thus, these threads are idiotic as they avoid that critical issue.

Ronald McDumpth

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How predictable that this post has had not one single response by trumplets...