Trump kicks ass. Best president ever

Trump kicks ass. Best president ever.

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Cool, I totally agree. Thread is over now. See ya!

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Didn't you mean biggest dumb fuck douchebag ever? That's more accurate.

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seriously how has no one shot this dumb fucker in the face yet?
please one of you yankies get the job done?

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Worst POTUS ever.


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What's it like worshiping someone who you'll never know, and they couldn't care whether you live or die? Don't you find it weird? Like, if you died tomorrow it wouldn't affect him at all, but if he died tomorrow you'd be sad.
I can't imagine what that's like because I don't do the hero-worship thing. And if I were going to look up to someone like a messiah, it surely wouldn't be a fucking politician of all things.

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Oh, he's POTUS.

The worst.

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trump cant stop making himself look like an idiot on national TV, he keeps making insanely stupid comments then blames the press for it,

trump is the stupidest president in US history

forwarded to authorities.

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>he made such a fucking sacrifice becoming the President
fuck off, fag

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the cyber police yea

Anyone who doesn't think assassinations are awesome is a faggot coward.
No matter who is in office, I'm always rooting for them to take a bullet or a bomb blast.
Personally, I'd like to see a system of government where if you successfully kill the head of state, you get to replace them as head of state.

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>Triggering libtards is this easy

user, we both know conservative white dudes are the most easily triggered

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Credit to the secret service. Those guys are damn good at the job.

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dogg the bounty hunter, how can i help?!

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ITT: Conservative boomer memes from fb

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>waaaaaaaah the media reports on the retarded things the retarded president says we need an alternative so we can pretend injecting bleach is genius

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Looks like you have been drinking the clorox koolaide.....

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Atleast he’s better than the gay welfare nigger

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drink your disinfectant, cultist

Fake and gay.

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The country burns so you could own libtards on the internet. Good going, genius. Gold star for that one.

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