1 million+ confirmed cases

>1 million+ confirmed cases
>56 thousand+ dead

It's almost like you weren't prepared? Actual 3rd world countries are holding up better than you.

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Tired of all this winning

Just stop. Get your numbers straight it’s like you just want to feed the frenzy of dumbassery this is still only a little worse than the flu last year. Go fuck yourself

Drink bleach Murica!

>over 330 million Americans.

>more testing done than any other country on the planet

>being this eurocucked

As a European let me preface by saying that I am absolutely loving Donald Trumps total inability to tackle this virus. Statistically, coronavirus disproportionally impacts the over 50's age demographics which, coincidentally, are statistically more inclined to vote Republican. There is literally 55k+ dead Republicans and counting.

COVID19 is literally killing off Trumps MAGA base. TO add insult to injury they want to actually re-open the economy to ensure it spreads even further! LOL. But it gets even BETTER! The guy is literally telling his supporters to drink bleach. I mean, I am literally in AWE. The man is the greatest gift to the Left that has presented itself in a generation.

Same number of deaths as the flu last year in two months? Yeah lol no big deal XD stay current on your sunshine injections and you'll be fine

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these numbers are lower than the regular flu. who fucking cares anymore. the media is doing nothing but fear mongering and you sheep believe them.

useful idiot

>More deaths than any other country
>Being this retarded
Anyone can play with numbers to make you look stupid, user.

>you sheep
this coming from a trump voter is rich

Highest levels of dumbassery comparable to his nuclear speech.

if u don test then u will have less numbers... the US just tests more since Trump[ gets shit done.


>Trump gets shit done.
Yeah, like kill people by suggesting you inject disinfectant in you.

>mfw some morons will actually try to defend/excuse/explain this

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“This is a very brilliant enemy. You know, it’s a brilliant enemy. They develop drugs like the antibiotics. You see it. Antibiotics used to solve every problem. Now one of the biggest problems the world has is the germ has gotten so brilliant that the antibiotic can’t keep up with it. "And they're constantly trying to come up with a new – people go to a hospital and they catch – they go for a heart operation – that's no problem, but they end up dying from – from problems. You know the problems I'm talking about. There's a whole genius to it. We’re fighting – not only is it hidden, but it’s very smart. Okay? It’s invisible and it’s hidden, but it’s – it’s very smart.”

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USA does the most testing in the world

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.. don't forget "we're gonna be tough on cyber!"


иди нaхyй пиндoc нopмaльнo paзгoвapивaй

Yeah but do they have these fancy hats?

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To everyone saying this isn't that bad and all, then why are more people dying in the US than any where else?

I get that China's reporting can't be trusted but give me a fuckin break.

Lol, and a simple Google search fixes that dipshit. You can't play with numbers to make it go away. Get mad

watch out for the hungry chinamans bait

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So true