Get in here and post your favorite based memes and green texts faggots
Get in here and post your favorite based memes and green texts faggots
Other urls found in this thread:
tf am I looking at
also, post 3
>True story inbound
>How I got my first boxhole finger meme box
>Watching Tool Time with my Dad
>He is 3 sheets gone to some Wild Turkey
>Tim Allen grunts, dad wakes up and pisses himself a little
>Uncle and Grand Parents walk through the door
>Uncle is drunk and horny, been drinking jager, redbull and viagra
>Calls it a Sonic the Hedgehog, cause it makes you fast and horny
>Cause Sonic has horns and moves fast
>Grandpa has 2 bags and new pants
>Grandma bought them to big with no belt
>Gramps pants fall, free ballin, penis looks like a naked mole rat
>Uncle see some cheeks and pops his pickle out
>Granpa trying to pull up pants and hold bags, bends over
>Uncle see the troll swamp appear, works up a loogie for lube
>Hits a bullseye, playtime is orge he yells
>Grandma is trying to wake my dad
>Uncle parks the bolonga bus in tranpa's mangina
>Gramps clenches as hard as his brittle bones will allow
>Uncle fills him up like a canoli and passes out right after
>Grandpa feels his pink sock and pushes it back in
>Reaches into the bag with a shit, cum covered hand
>Pulls out a pristence finger box, 4 holes very rare he said
>His holds it near my face to smell the rich wood smell
>The shum hand bumps my nose, Thank You grandpa
>I can't wait to tell my friends on Yas Forums about it
no seriously, wtf is that hook thing supposed to be
Dont tell the retards what it is.
if you're seriously suggesting that's supposed to be a caltrop you're an idiot
a caltrop is something you throw on the ground, that thing only works at a very specific angle and would need o be put on the ground manually and carefully
kek, no. Not a caltrop.
I assume this is something to convert semiautomatic rifles to full auto or something?
Oh is this another meaning less fingerbox meme?
Honestly could look like something a cuck would wear to cradle their nut sack or something so I wouldn't be surprised if it was a thing
some sort of improvised internal component for a weapon or something like that then?
Nope, it has a real function.
I certain other board on 4 chan will let you know if you lurk long enough.
post logs and frogs
you could just say what it is
from my end I see two short pieces of thick wire welded on one end and twisted into a couple of parallel hooks
Its to get hemroids out.
Niggas don’t even know how to make a plumbus
Holy shit, go fuck yourself. Not even close to the same thing.
Dubs checked
Is that pic one of those NFA items?
If so, and you accidentally made one, you're based.
If not, what the fuck is that coat hanger looking thing?
You're right.
Women actually have the freedom, where as OPs pic is still illegal.
Buy a box of grenade shells through the US postal service and thats what happens. The ATF/CIA may have been a bit overstated in their approach but they saved that douchebag a lifetime of being tortured by nogs in prison for all the child rapings he would have eventually have been busted for.
I saw a guy demo a coat hanger m.g. a while back at the state park range .It ran pew pew like a champ.
After he left the game warden followed him out in his truck. That conversation prolly didn't end well...
Dubs trips, damn this is the apocalypse
What state and do you really think the range master has any authority?
Granted these days I only go to outdoor, unmanned ranges
>range master =/=game warden
Most states a game warden is a sworn state police officer.
Yas,I am the dub/trip god!
In AL,game wardens are sworn under the ABI,all state.jurasdiction,they even bust for dope and traffic vios.
Turning the guy over to the alphabet boys is easy then...
Implying I can enough to understand this new zoomer meme
Its oldfag shit, and a zoomer would be too pissed scared to do it.
Alabama confirmed.
Howdy, neighbor.