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The gay nigger is still worse

the people that do this are satanists and want to kill your children.

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Trump is unironically fascist

Imagine being so eternally assblasted by someone that you actually want them to die.

that pic made me hard thanks OP

but they all deserve it right? Lmao

Imagine someone doing this in 08 with obongo

>can't get shit done
>constant opposition and backlash at everything
c'mon now

Based dubs

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No one said he was a successful fascist.

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Imagine using google

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German fag here, I am not a fan of Trump or the U.S. in general, but I have to second this.

I am so happy we had you guys overe here and not only the French/Britbongs/Russians.

kinda cringe

Tell us, user, in what way has he forcibly suppressed you? In what way have you and your party's opinions been globally censored by him? If he's been opposed at every junction, in many cases blocked, in what way does he possess unlimited power? In what way has he enforced any more social regimentation than any other nation during this time?

No, it's okay, I'll wait...

>Has never attempted to take away your freedoms.
>Fails anyway.

Is it summer, already?

kathy did nothing wrong

A little lysol will fix that windmill cancer right up.

holy shit is this real?!

>has trounced all over freedoms
>never attempted
Yep, it clearly is summer.

omg lol decapitated trump xD trump btfo, so funny

>hasn't named a single freedom his alleged almighty overlord has 'trounced all over'

Try again.

>can't even defend his fuhrer

>has denied access to media outlets he doesn't like (freedom of the press, freedom of speech)
>race-based travel bans
>consumer protections
>anti-monopoly laws
>warrantless race-based detentions
>attacked abortion laws

Literally the tip of the iceberg.

>hasn't realized they lost when they couldn't name one thing to support their bullshit

Thanks for playing, now go educate yourself.

Not sure which is funnier, that you took someone else's bait or that you did that after seeing a list of what trump's done. Fucking kek, you played yourself.

>never actually denied media access, fake news
>crime-based travel bans, get your facts straight
>name them
>anti-monopoly laws encourage freedom by commerce
>warranted detention of criminals entering illegally
>supported individual freedoms by allowing doctors to choose

Keep 'em coming.

Donald Trump is a hate crime to freedom. If you dont understand that, you should be lynched with him.


>OnE wHoLe MiNuTe PaSsEd, YoU lOsE!

Imagine trying this hard.

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>makes up bullshit, calls it an argument

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>I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about, but ORANGE MAN BAD!

no u

you are an asshole for defending this piece of shit trump, keep lying moron.

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>What if that was Obama.
Trump is the best what happened to the US in 50 years.

You posted this without comment yesterday in another thread where people were waking up to trump. Go ahead and post that ‘grr comics’ (or whatever the fucks he called) drawing that shows how powerless trump is because everything’s being done to him and he can’t stop it.

That was funny.

i really hope most of these threads are just trolls trolling trolls in a great vicious circle.

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youre a retard who probably watches exclusively cnn and thinks theyre well informed.

What an asshole, eat shit and die moron.

Not the thug you’re talking to, but he has repeatedly tried to restrict the free press from reporting on him. Throwing them out of press briefings, taking away journalist’s press passes, urging his followers to distrust them....

Go ahead now tell us how that’s all actually acceptable and that it doesn’t count.

this was meant for this comment

I find it interesting that you can only protest and show US presidents dead without consequences, but if you do so in any other country, you'll be jailed or killed.


>free press
pick one retard