What happened to Yas Forums?
What happened to Yas Forums?
You joined.
It's called jews.
Its not them making the threads.
an unseccseful camagin teaching people that black ppl only can offer dick
turns out a good precentage of people only want dick
white people love self-loathing
Unfortunately it's a symptom of a greater problem.
Yas Forums is turning into a place for idiot children to get the attention they can't get in real life.
They continually post bait threads they know will get replies instead of posting something constructive or destructive.
Yas Forums was always a hellhole but at least it had epic threads, bands of social outcasts, specialist porn, raids, all manor of crazy shit...now it's all bait, just a constant need for attention from all the kids who've grown up believing they have the right to get attention from strangers on the internet.
Either abandon ship or build up a fucking massive filter list and learn regex if you haven't already...it's the only way to make it even bearable.
that imagine is so epic
Yas Forums needs a deep hard blackening. every thread on this board devoted to the bbc. just once.
I don't think a kid has the capacity to spam tens of thousands of threads. This is someone with intentions.
oh yeah and about that filter list
its a containment board you retard. real Yas Forums is on the other boards.
It's them making us make the threads.
Not a kid. many kids.
Once somebody notices they can get attention from posting garbage, more follows.
Like that stupid andy sixx fucking shit. ONE person continually posted it, then idiots realised posting it gets them attention, and it fucking snowballs out of control and dozens of cretins post it continually.
>and it fucking snowballs out of control and dozens of cretins post it continually.
ding ding ding
sometimes i step out of character but yeah. out of all the explanations offered by anons over the years, that's the closest to truth you'll get.
we're not jews. not chinese. not tenda spencer. not black ppl
just shit posters shitting up an already shitty board in hopes anons had enough of it all
No, you can tell by the filenames and the things they're posting that its the same people posting it every time.
Its mainly two groups posting this: Discord trannies and Tenda's followers.
Teenagers misunderstanding the difference between trolling and literal homosexuality.
Also, this.
Best example I can think of is that new iPhone that just came out... literally everyone on earth posted a review video on youtube. Why? Why would we need 1000 different opinions on the same product? They do it cause they're attention seeking cunts. If we really want to filter out the bullshit we need a system to block certain types of spam threads. Or Moda need to do their job and filter out repetitive threads.
Everybody moved elsewhere when the buzzfeed shills moved in.
Yeah i only still come here in the hopes that something cool will happen but it never does anymore, i need to leave this place
ive been lurking since 2008.
last real content i remember was a thread of a med student that would take blood samples from the kids he babysat. he had all the samples stored in vials and each one labeled with the name of the kid. he considered the kids 'as his' and wanted a piece of them everywhere he went.
iirc he also collected hair.
it got pruned after 150 replies. OP had timestamps and everything. dude's probably in prison.
I don't see what the problem is?
I mean, does the idea of two people fucking trigger you? People of all colors have been fucking since the Big Bang. Just because you ain't getting any sex doesn't mean the rest of us are not fucking interracial cock/pussy. LOL....how jealous must you be to get triggered online because some strange girl is getting fucked by a strange guy you've never met in your entire life. lol Trump Loser.
use filters evasion seems fixed now
Anybody can say Yas Forums was never good and they’d be right. But the problem now is the repetitiveness. Meme’s aside, this place runs night and day on five thread types. It’s incredibly boring now. I would love to see the average amount of time any person uses this board now per 24hr period.
Jesus H christ
The bait is weak and sour. Zero points.
pic rel8
Since the nigger cock threads are posted all day, every day, I figure the mods are bored with their jobs and hate Yas Forums. Nothing else makes sense. Yas Forums is just garbage any more. It's sad.
A bunch of closet gay Nazis started a gay meme campaign to try and foster new recruits for their daddy doms to fuck, then a bunch of other losers thought it was funny and kept the sad joke rolling
People started to overly rely on the mods and stopped making OC's so things just led to the lowest common denominator constantly posting here without anyone doing anything meaningful against them
oh yeah and that was early 2015. literally the reason why i typed that. blaze it fgt