Here's a tip: if you want to persuade someone to vote for your candidate don't belittle them. This is how Hillary lost the last election.
The Dems will lose this one too if they can't stop tell us constantly how clever they are.
Zachary Sanders
Man you trump voters are slow today, you're the first official retard in here. Number 1. Great number, you have the best numbers, tremendous job, maybe the best
Joshua Ortiz
Hillary lost the last election because your voting system isn't what any reasonable person from a first world country would call "democratic".
So vote against your best interests because you got butthurt. No wonder you voted for this retarded baby
Kayden Nelson
>a daily reminder about an election 3.5 years a go You’re doing gods work
Asher Anderson
LOL not even Murcan. Never forget that your poster girl lost to that retard. The cope is all yours, my friend.
Jaxson Turner
lol you voted for trump, you're a useful idiot for Russia
Jayden Evans
Only an absolute moron could see where we are at and think it would be worse under Hillary. This is stupid beyond the normal Yas Forums stupidity that I normally see here
Isaiah Taylor
Except a smart crook is better than retarded crook.
Christopher Barnes
Oh you don't have to be an american to be an idiot
Daniel James
LOL sure you’re not murican kiddo. she sure as shit ain’t my poster girl faggot. Your cope is still showing sonny and it’s as orange as the Drumpf.
Jayden Hughes
THAT'S what your echo chamber told you to believe? You'd have to be pretty dumb to fall for that
Nathaniel Phillips
Oh btw how did that whole ‘lock her up’ thing go? Kekkek trump can’t even keep that promise to his cultist followers.
Back when Trump was running the first time in 2016 are used to support him but I was too young to vote for him and now seeing his actions it’s safe to say I won’t be supporting or voting for him for his second term. Seeing how crazy his supporters are saying we should give him a third term to make up for the first being wasted is absolutely insane. Feeling like an idiot I’m here to ask if it’s too late to switch sides?