This guy fucked my gf. She said it was a one time thing. What should I do? Should I feel bad?
This guy fucked my gf. She said it was a one time thing. What should I do? Should I feel bad?
Nah dw about it, as we get older it's impossible to find virgin girls, girls without troubled pasts etc .. used to be turned off by the idea of dating a slut or someone who's been raped but times change man
You fuck him too, it will make it even.
You gotta fuck someone now King.
Is this what women find attractive?
fuck his ass, assert dominance user.
You should suck his cock. That'll show him who's boss
Youre ten ply bud.
Guilt your girl into claiming rape.
Extort beardo for money.
Rape your girl.
invite him back, tell wife you want a threesome
grab his dick and start sucking it and tell wife she has to wait her turn
now your a faggot
this. it's the only way back user
with a shit, meth beard like that you should feel bad
This seems like a bait thread, could you provide more details? It's obvious what you should do but give us some backstory.
If she cheated on u dump her.
If it happened before u were together then forgive her
So your girlfriend has a thing for homeless dudes?
Yes, so you have a chance
It’s not my wife it’s my gf. I saw This sent to her along with a cock pic that I instantly Deleted
Dump her dude
sure he did. This isn't another cuckold psyop or fetish at all
It’s not it’s real life yea it was retarded to share but I needed To type it all out to realize what I need to do
Whatre u gonna do champ?
Wait, she cheated on you or is this a former fling?
So you needed to talk about it like a woman? You been chemically castrated or something? If he fucked your gf you fight him or ghost your gf and move on.
That or you're lying.
>being such an insecure manlet to not actively share his girl
she's not your property, she have the every right to fuck whoever she want
Fucking cuck, probably enjoy hearing about your whores dicks she's had
inject bleach
Canadian or letterkenny faggot detected
Either way it’s just another faggot
Bathe yourself in bleach, and never see her again.
Don't worry, they will all be a "one time thing".
Better for you and user to drink a gallon of beach.
Kike Faggot detected