Horrific crimes are done by normies who want power and control, not pedophiles. Most child sex offenses are normies who can't get a gf, not pedophiles. Pedophiles are just people with the capability to fall in love with children. Pretty fucking harmless if you don't tell the child they've been dirtied, if anything such people who love children so deeply could be a benefit to society.
What does the top 0.1% have to gain by oppressing this group of people, isolating them, and doing everything in their power to ensure their mental health is awful?
Do you have any source for those claims or are you talking out of your ass ? My whole family is involved in law enforcement, I have read many cases involving degenerate pedos. I wish I could kill all of you, you're the lowest of the low and even other criminals see you as their number 1 target in prisons etc. Kill yourself
Ethan Jackson
End of the day...? Children are INNOCENT. When you fuck them, they lose their innocence. You ruin them for life. This is why it's illegal to be a pedo. My advice? If you're attracted to children, don't tell anyone and never cross the line by fucking a kid. Society is not ok with pedos. Just the way of the world. I know liberals want to legalize fucking kids, but it's never going to happen. Just have to get over it.
Ryan Thompson
You are fucking retard
Benjamin Rivera
>Dont tell anyone
The #1 contributor to a pedophile being considered high risk is social isolation. Do you really care about preventing pedophiles from "crossing the line", or do you just not want to hear things that make you feel icky? Fuck off.
Brandon Ross
Bruh I feel you but youre 100 percent wrong on that last part. liberals don't want to legalize fucking kids thats a right wing conspiracy theory.
Aaron Thomas
It's not the elites oppressing paedophiles, it's your average normie. It's a form of 'in-grouping' and 'virtue signalling'. The average person is hypocritical, and hesitant to challenge mainstream 'moral values', it's also genuinely dangerous to publicly criticise the hysteria against paedophiles - any attempt to stand up for them and defend them can be twisted by normies into "you're a child rapist!" The average oppressor of these people is as normie and low-status as you can get, ever notice those catfishing youtube channels are usually run by thuggish guys who look like they've recently come out of prison themselves, and often seem like the worst sort of child predators themselves? Or the dumbass women who lobby for laws to oppressed paedophiles... they're all low-tier people, not elites.
Adam Long
Not op. Found through a few minutes of light searching. "The term “pedophile” is often mistakenly used in the general population to refer to any person who sexually abuses children, whereas, in reality, only a minority of perpetrators of child sexual abuse meet the diagnostic criteria of pedophilia." inspq.qc.ca/en/sexual-assault/understanding/myths-and-facts
Carson Sanchez
Most rape is a power thing and has little to nothing to do with attraction. Half normalniggers seem to already know this, the other half vehemently deny this. There seems to exist no middle ground on this for some reason.
Xavier Green
You are going to need to kill your own "people". Most of those offenders share your sexual preferences. Normies hate children more than any pedo I've ever seen.
I'm thinking that painting the only group of people with the capability of fully loving children with this brush is a huge cope on your guy's part. Take responsibility for your own people's crimes.
People with an attraction to children do not ever want to harm them, and when they do, it is a regret they carry for the rest of their lives. But you guys will scream at, neglect, beat, and rape your own blood relative children because you had a bad day. I have no sympathy for normies.
Michael Jones
They know it. They understand it when it comes to adult attraction. but when it comes to pedophiles, they are considered so inhuman and deviant that normies can't even imagine in their tiny little heads that some people can love children. The only thing left for them to imagine is that pedophiles want to rape and abuse.
Ryan Edwards
>TL:DR OP touches kids and thinks society is the problem
You're doing God's work out there. Please fucking incarcerate every single pedo. Let's see how they enjoy getting fucked in the ass in jail.
Blake Carter
Do you have this opinion for pedos who don't actually hurt anyone? Those who repress those desires and isolate themselves from situations that would put them in a position to hurt anyone?
Jack Williams
People don't actually care about protecting children. They just care about hating pedophiles. Most abusers aren't pedophiles and most pedophiles never offend? Doesn't matter. Lolicon and dolls are a harmless outlet? Make them illegal. Peer support groups are proven to reduce incidence of CSA? "Pedophiles don't deserve a platform!"
If they really cared about children, they would start listening to experts that treat and study nonoffending pedophiles.
Levi Wood
Flesh is cheap. Fuck it if you want. Won't change anything. The only meaningful choice you can make in your own life is if you die now or later.
Even if you don't fuck kids, somebody else will. Even if your society shuns fucking kids, another won't. The cycle is endless and utterly meaningless.
Angel Johnson
Society is definitely a huge problem, and pedophiles do not deserve this much hatred from society. But I never have and never will do anything inappropriate with a child. Whether the harm would come from the act or from society, or both, doesn't matter to me. The harm is undoubtedly there.
Pedophilia is not an animalistic primal urge to fuck. It has genuine emotional and romantic components. I won't cause harm to the people I love. Period.
If I ever did, I would kill myself much quicker than any normies could.
Landon Reyes
Pedophilia definitely can be both a primal urge to fuck and a genuine romantic attraction. Even then, it's entirely possible to be a decent moral person and not want to harm children.
Dylan Green
I understand the despair. I don't know you and I don't know if you are a pedophile yourself. But I just want to say, I feel it really does make a difference. If you feel your only choice is when you die, maybe you can add one more choice. How will you die? How will you look back on your life when you do? You can decide on that. You have this life. You can't know if you will be here again at any other time in this 'endless cycle'. The meaning is that you are here to experience it. And everyone else around you is also experiencing it. It is not pointless because it repeats itself, you are a part of the experiment of life. You don't need to give in to this dark feeling. You can find joy.
Evan Adams
children are innocent
i was trying to fist fuck my mother at 3 i was trying to fuck my rabbit at 6 come again
Logan Rogers
I was almost arrested for being a pedophile when I was 10. I was surprised looking at porn of people my own age was illegal.
Christopher Richardson
are you saying that the kids only care cuz we told them to? WTF kids know that that is wrong and they should be protected from it. you are maybe right about the fact that we shouldnt demonize them but we can not let these things happen
Hudson Ward
i m a pedo, i still didnt act, but i always wonder why is there such a hate about this act, i trully dont understand. i understand for rape, murder, stealing but i dont understand the bash on pedophilia, i m mentally healthy but this goes over my thinkings, the only harm is if u got a too big dick for kids, and leave them bleeding or harmed for life. Can u anti-pedo explain why is it bad ? i really want to understand
Josiah Moore
what the fuuuck are you saying
William Powell
i m a moral and ethic person
Brayden Walker
That is possible in many cases. Try reading "the trauma myth". They actually frequently do not know it was wrong and did not feel that anything was wrong. The trauma often comes when they "realize" (are told) it is wrong.
Brody Moore
Pedo's are one of the reasons we need to keep the death penalty. You crazed faggots need to be tossed into a deep pit and set on fire
Asher Ortiz
I know this is bait on the asshole of the internet...
...but if you dont understand how easy it would be to manipulate a child into sexual acts, then you do deserve to have your brains bashed in in prison, or by a parent, or a cop.
Are there grown-ass kids, of course, but the overwhelming majority are just waiting to be told what to do.
Kevin Johnson
I have the capacity to love a cucumber, doesnt make it right though. Take your pedo logic and neck yourself pervert