>be 26 but look 20ish >lie about being 18 to a 16 year old to get her number for practice picking up girls >literally fall in love with this woman due to having almost everything we could possibly have in common and basically being the same person >noone suspects a thing and i fear that telling her my age will cause me to lose best girl >plan to keep the lie going as long as i possibly can to give our love a fighting chance (or until i feel like it's safe to spill the beans)
And that's my situation, ill avoid getting too lewd untill she is older and certainly abstain from having sex. In fact she looks a little too young for me right now and that combined with my very real love for her leaves me with the most abstract boner.
I pass really well as an attractive 18 year old and can expect to age slowly so my appearance shouldn't be an issue, i think the biggest problem will be hiding any evidence of my real age from her without arousing her suspicion. I have no older siblings but my family is in on it and has agreed to play along with my fake age at my request. I really hope this works out.
Your parents are sick fucks and you're a retard, You should definitely shoot yourself in the face.
Leo Jenkins
yeah i expect that response from the outside world
if it's any consolation she turns 17 in may
Isaac Gutierrez
Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you
Charles Price
No its not. What kind of an underdeveloped psycho does this shit?
Isaiah Rodriguez
Kek Tell her and be honest you fucking tard also nice from ur tard wranglers to help u being a sperg . Age is just a number Prison just a house
Chase Cook
>More afraid of breaking up with a kid than going to prison
Lucas Bell
the scary thing about that is i feel there's a good chance she will actually be ok with this but her parents will go nuclear due to her being 17* so i still think my best bet is to take my sweet ass time moving forward so that it's not so horrendous when it does come out.
Isaac Taylor
Convince her to get on B.C and shoot ropes into that tight pussy. fuck these faggots. She thick as fuck or petite?
Jack Young
legal age here is 17, ive got less than a month to wait.
small and slim, just like me.
Ian Adams
If she's lucky her parents will find out and call the cops before you have the chance to so anything.
William Ortiz
Get her on the pill OP and live the life of a Chad busting nuts into a 17 year old.
William Young
i haven't done anything illegal to this person
but i am planning to do very legal things in the future
you think i don't follow the law?
Josiah Williams
Brandon Powell
Saying this as dude who fucked a 14-16 year old as a 17-18 year old in highschool. Hardest nuts I've ever busted.
Bentley Carter
every 26yo looks 20 as theres no difference u potato.
Levi Mitchell
No, i look even younger i assure you.
Brayden Sanders
just bust those nuts bro, the jail time will be totally worth it.
Xavier Fisher
>Doesn't understand how often barely legal pussy gets rammed >virgin spotted
Matthew Edwards
What the fuck, do it! Do it now, in the name of people that wish to be in your situation, and yet they cant. And post pics
Austin Hall
Amerifags spotted, only your retarded country jail people for shit reasons such as that.
Joseph Thomas
Is this IRL or online? Sad that you didn't get any attention from women in your HS/age group. Regardless have fun "pretending" and maybe you can keep living in la la land.
Camden Wood
I'll tell you what, if this works out and i live to tell the tale?
I will come back and post a legal photograph of two adults over the age of 18
Jack Parker
>16 year old >woman Nope, she's a girl, not a woman.
Adrian Parker
so what lie have you concocted about your career? 18-year-olds are in or are about to start college or at least fucking trade school or something. 26-year-olds are usually done with that (unless in a ph.d. program or something).
so what's the lie gonna be: >you're a retard who was held back in school 8 times >you're sheldon cooper and about to get your phd at 18 >that you're beavis and butthead and work your loser job that requires zero education until middle age
come on, op, i know you're sitting in your basement jerking it to the idea that >oh man, these Yas Forumstards think i could get a hot 18yo, uh uh uh, splat, splat
what lie do you want to tell us about your education?
Parker Gray
>ill avoid getting too lewd untill she is older and certainly abstain from having sex. Yeah that's just going to fuck you up. You need to bone a girl to be sure how you really feel about her, dude. All you're gonna do is make things increasingly weird over time.
I dunno how that factors into your real problem anyway, which is lying to her. 16 is fine, fuck away. That's perfectly legal in my country, most US states, and most of the planet. Quit being a fag, slip it in and then you'll have the clarity to work out what to do about the actual issue.
Juan Rodriguez
all you need to know op, just shove ur noodle up her fart box till shes 17 then let her know ur real age. if you fuck good she'll probably stay with you
Tyler Reyes
I got her number in person, but then corona virus.
I'm an artfag with a dayjob, perfect for this situation isn't it?
She is a nice girl, not your common tinder thot, she will appreciate me not trying to fuck her as soon as i can, and i know how i feel.
you're not wrong
Samuel Perez
Oh I missed the post where OP said he only had a couple months until she hit the local age of consent. Well, nevermind. Lying to a girl for a couple of months is pretty culturally normal according to the American television of I've seen.
Owen Nguyen
Sebastian Robinson
Thanks, the comments in this thread were pretty much exactly what i expected, but it was nice all the same.
Liam Rivera
Create an elaborate story about how you were orphaned at a young age and they didn't have your real birth certificate so your age was a guess but whoops it's just been rediscovered and you're actually 8 years older than you thought, somehow. Don't worry about her thinking too hard about the implications of that story. You can use any potential dissonance to gaslight her into doing depraved sexual things.
Isaac Diaz
>I'm an artfag with a dayjob you gotta be more specific than that. artfags go to school too