Be me

>be me
> 20 y/o lonelyfag
>match with really cute girl on tinder
>she's really cool and we vibe with each other a lot
>talk all day everyday (yes sexting too)
>one day a few months ago she blocks me because i didn't respond to her snap fast enough
>got ghosted
>made me feel insecure and insignificant and defeated
>only been getting lonelier and sadder since

Fast forward to tonight

>she unblocks and messages me
>pic related
>she says that and i basically send a voice message saying it was fucked up
>after that she blocks me again

This really fucked me up guys. I thought i really liked her. Havent felt the same way since. Im just getting progressively lonelier and sadder each day. Yeah i probably dodged a bullet but if the alternative is depression, did I really?

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Just get over it. You’ve never met this person


lol shes playing your ass, stay away from people like that they'll make your life only worse.

She doesn't give a fuck by the way this is all to stroke her own ego.

I get it. Its to make herself feel better. But its still a fucking shitty feeling

She sounds very superficial I'd say you dodged a bullet there if shes that easily upset

time heals user, we've all been there.

She seems super needy OP. You dodged a bullet

all very good responses. you'll be okay, user, no matter how not-okay you feel right now. keep ya head up

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You’ve made a massive catalog of errors here, I have a feeling you’re not very experienced but the biggest mistake was responding to her when she unblocked you. Basically what happened was you messaged her to much and devalued yourself and someone new and exciting came along and this girl didn’t have the balls to tell you so she took the easy option of blocking you and not having to deal with it. Now it’s not going to well with the new guy she’s pulling the leash to see who’s still attached and now that you’ve proven you are she’s blocked you again and put you back on the subs bench incase she needs a bit of attention in the future.


"Favorite person" is a concept many people with bpd have. Think of this as a blessing op. On the one hand, she's easy to manipulate and is eager for it. On the other, you have avoided a psycho bitch. It's a win win, just depends on what you want.

not op but can you elaborate because this seems way too accurate based on my own experience

Read up on this and it explains a fucking lot with this one girl I knew. Why are crazy girls always so much more fucking obnoxious than crazy guys?

fuck your a pussy grow the fuck up

while you may be upset now, in retrospect you will understand that this was a good thing.
when people select themselves out of your life, it is seldom ever a bad thing. if your wife cheats on you, it's better that you find out and move on, rather than continue to live with a liar. it's better that you find out that this girl is mentally fucked than to be dragged along and find out 3 years into a relationship.
this is good news to receive.

How do you know she’s crazy? Also we don’t know what he said in the voice messages. His ratios are out, I blame OP.

Mostly this.
If she comes back again try to get nudes and shit, but DO NOT get attached

While she has been "treated like shit" and ghosted your ass she's 100% messaging other guys. I can't blame you for being lonely but this is a woman that you found on Tinder, what did you expect?
Hopefully you can learn from this experience and realise that most women are phoney, especially women from hookup sites.

OP here. I sent a voice message saying how it was fucked up that she ghosted me. Thats essentially it

Thank you Yas Forumsros. I dont have a lot of luck with women. Some luck but not a lot so It means a lot knowing that I dodged a bullet on this one

Women who get angry at you when you don’t respond fast enough and block you aren’t worth the time of day. I know from experience.

>Be me, about 35, have skinny wife
>Work overseas, have skinny mistress
>Check out BBW threads on Yas Forums
>Get curious about fucking a fatty
>Match with Taiwanese landwhale on Tagged
>Go through the motions
>She thinks we're dating, lol
>Doesn't know I have wife
>She's dumb as dogshit
>Really lazy, hates any walking
>Wants to catch a train like 200m
>She's a terrible kisser
>Get her into bed
>The fat is like being on a waterbed
>Vagina is behind a mile of obese labia majora
>With about 7.5" I'm barely actually inside
>She just lies there like a beached whale
>Won't ride me, thinks it's too much effort
>Also scared of squashing me
>She thinks sex three times a week is a lot
>Starts getting possessive
>Messages me when I'm busy at work
>Gets pissed off if I don't answer immediately
>Asks if I'm cheating on her with other girls
>Haha doesn't know she's the one on the side
>Breaks up with me
>Blocks me on WeChat
>Whatever, sex was shit anyway
>Messages me on WeChat a few weeks later
>Can't reply because she still has me blocked

Personally I’d have just blocked her but if you felt you needed to reply indifference is always the best way. Like you haven’t noticed or don’t care. Girls hate it when you talk about your feelings and tell them they hurt you.

bitchez are crazy!
and that one made u the job easy, just move on,
she doesnt worth ur time, and if u give to her again soon or later she will disapear again

she's a flake. don't dwell on this shit OP

sorry if my english is not that accurate

>met a girl on /soc/
>exchange discord
>we send selfies
>later nudes
>we wanted to meet today and fuck
>yesterday we had a voicechat and she said she wan't a friendship, bc I am nice and she is very lonely
>I said I'm more interested in Sex, maybe friends with benefits
>she said she will text me today
>still no message

why are women like that?

Sex is a means to an end for a lot of women.
Sex is an end in itself for a lot of men.

Women are cruel. I've been through similar Tinder stuff. Don't worry man. She's not worth it. There are better women out there. Take it from me. I've been there.

she just messaged, because she wanted to fuck

Yeah, but she probably only wants to fuck so that you’ll give her the time of day because she’s lonely and wants to feel like she’s got a friend. Sex is just a means to an end for her.

she only wanted to meet me for 2-3 hrs, but it's not possible to go to someones home, because we wanted to met in a nearby city, I wanted to book a hotel room for a night, but she wasn't sure

You should have told her to apologize on her knees with your cock in her mouth.

Dude shes one of those crazy girls. The one that give basis to the stereotype of girls being crazy. You could probably date her but she would be crazy/possessive/demanding/manipulative, all that. And she would cheat probably, and or cause a breakup and all this messy drama. All the signs are there with the angry immature blocking unblocking. Like she may even be a bit borderline. Why didnt you meet up early on btw?