

Attached: 323232.jpg (509x847, 87.69K)

Fuuuuuuuuuuck Oooooooooofffffff Niggahhhhh

Make me retard

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Niggers can afford computers now?

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> Niggers
> Buy

I'm sorry your daughter caught me with your wife?

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thats a fine chunk o man flesh there.

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i am sorry


This is coming from a spic

You niggers need to get your act together.

how about you get all your beans together and apologize as well

This is why we need slavery again

Okay. Im sorry for the person that you stole the towel from. Lmao!

Roleplaying aside, do you think the police would agree witha dude just doing this on the streets and not end up in prison where he is the one who apologize?


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I'm so sorry you're a nigger

So sorry, sir I'm just glad you finally started an apologize thread so I could express how sorry I am.


All white boi's need to stop and just apologize ok? Sorry, sir. Just do it already and everything will be ok.

For what, nigger?

Apologize for you being a nigger?
No thanks. Fuck off, nigger.

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I'm not even american, but I would "apologize" once, just to check if its good or not

It's not

It’s too late to apologize. It’s too late. Gonna take a shit now

Err sorry your race never took advantage of all the civil rights your great grandparents fought for and you instead live thug life.

This dude compensates for a smoll pp

I'm sorry you cant afford pants.

FYI everyone, setting up a filter for the word apologize will mean you'll never see the dumb prick making these threads again

I think black Americans have forgotten that it was mostly other blacks who sold the Americans slaves back then.

The American ships docked at there was auctions on the habour, selling slaves to Americans.

- This is a fact.

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