Bidens a rapist and he's gonna get the feminist vote lol

Bidens a rapist and he's gonna get the feminist vote lol

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Wow that is creepy and I've been on Yas Forums a while

I've got an erection

Trump fucked his daughter, raped girls with Epstein, and fucked porn stars under questionable circumstances. Id say this is pretty cool.

Noone mentioned Trump, go back to your discord shill


Haaa, it seems like you're the shill, you sounded so faggoty then... Googoo eyes for your Cheeto god

Who is that sexy girl? I'd lick her ass

>No you

What is the point of the stylized letter "E" in the word "Biden"?

Stands for Epstien

Or the three bars are "all holes filled with cock". Triple penetration

Ill vote Trump again because I wanna see it burn

>no you

the ebstein investgators disagree

I'm gonna vote Trump to mine salt for another four years

thats his current wife

She's young

I’m going to be sarcastic and vote for Biden.

this pedo children sniffing old fart is going to be your president and you can't stop it

he's lucky


You misspelled “Clinton”

white people are disgusting man

Nigger go back to twitter with your bullshit.

She looks underage, maybe 16-17

I hope he lowers the age of consent to 8

>Bidens a rapist

Nice, i wish i could vote for him twice.

im fine with that

>Bidens a rapist
Who cares? Trump has already proven that morality is not a requirement for the presidency.

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Is this pic even real


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So now you guys have an excuse to behave how you wanted to rather than sticking to your "values"?

Found the Eurofag.

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absolutely based

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Does anybody else notice he's lost a lot of hair on his head? I thought his hair was supposed to be fuller than that. In the front, it sort of looks like it, but he's thinning a lot now.

jesus her panties are probably soaked

Only makes sense if the background is white. It's blue and red stripes

Eh, so is trump. It's really a matter of voting for the person you hate least at this point.

trump wishes he was this based

Yeah she's got that look that 14 year olds get when they wanna get fucked by the quarterback.

Trump is just a Mac daddy. He grabs them by the pussy and they want it from him. Joe Biden is having sexual intercourse with young girls on TV

This is his granddaughter.
/end thread

If by "grab them by the pussy" you mean "pays porn stars and strippers insane amounts of cash to fuck and regularly rapes male and female underlings" then sure...At least biden doesn't pay for it.


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So you're saying Biden is better at grooming?

He's tongueing her fucking ass

Top kek

Gosh... as a feminist, who should I vote for, the guy who's raped one woman or the guy who's raped twenty?

Hello newfag it's called /thread also who the fuck makes out with their granddaughter? The left is so fucking incestuous

Probably both, dummy. Purge all the pedos on pedestals.

>The left is so fucking incestuous
turns you on, i know

Biden has overdeveloped olfactory glands, like a dog. He should have a dog as vice president

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Way more women are coming out against Biden but it won't matter.

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Fuck yeah, nigger

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