Hahaha your president

hahaha your president

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ok goy



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Why are you ignoring the question?
They were either fooled or participated in a fraud? Why do they still have awards?

He spelled "Nobel" wrong.
Journalists, and I hate to bring this up, get Pulitzers.
So he spelled the wrong organization... wrong. That doesn't bother you AT ALL coming from POTUS? Not at all?

Why do they still have awards?

Hahaha. And now you're talking about it.

Daily Reminder that 100'000+ people died of swine flu, and it was Obama's fault.

Except, everything you said is wrong.

I didn't say anything. I asked questions.
Were these journalists fooled or did they participate in a fraud?
Why do they still have awards in either case?
Why are you ignoring the question?

what fraud, you moron?

Russiagate is a fraud.


Noble Prizes

fuck everyone who voted for this dotard

and the sky is green, ok trumpist

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Russiagate is a fraud.
Were the "journalists" fooled or participants?
Why do they still have awards either way?


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Why do the journalists still have awards?
Why do they still have jobs?

Americas own secret services have all concluded that Russia interfered with the election on behalf of trump.

You're a useful american idiot

you seem really stupid lol

They reported on the FBI investigation.
They did their job.
You're retarded.

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daily reminder that trump is an incredibly funny idiot

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That's not the story the journalists wrote. They wrote about direct collusion. There was no collusion. They wrong.
Why do they still have awards?
Were they fooled or were they a part of the fraud?

and all of Trump's associates in federal custody as a result of the investigation are there for fun?

They're there because of a variety of reasons.
But about the journalists, were they fooled or part of the fraud?
Why do they still have awards? Why do they still have jobs?

good grief america, some of you are incredibly stupid AND arrogant, no wonder you have an incompetent joke as a president

Repeating your dumb questions, which have already been answered, makes you look super retarded, but the again you're a trump voter so there lol

you are so dense!
awards are not taken away. they followed and reported the investigations and their sources. they didn't make shit up, oh, well Fox did.


>They did their job.
Did they?
An accountant who's wrong about a balance didn't so their job.
A pharmacists who's wrong about which pills go in the bottle didn't do their job.
Why is a journalist who is either fooled or participating in a fraud doing their job? Is their job to lie about things?

>They were either fooled or participated in a fraud?

What fraud? Is this about Trump suggesting we inject bleach and shove UV lightbulbs up our asses, or about one of the other countless stupid and/or corrupt things he's done in the last few years? Are you okay with the fact that he regularly pays himself taxpayer money so that he and his entourage can stay at properties he owns? You know that shit's not free, right?

The man is a fucking moron. He's a seven year old in a septuagenarian's body. I don't know who's worse: a fucking idiot or the fucking idiots who back him.

About 12.5k people died in the US from H1N1. We're at 4x that death rate from COVID-19 and it's not over yet.


>awards are not taken away
Awards are taken away all the time. Especially academic and arts awards. Especially for fraud.
Why are these journalists, who were wrong, keeping theirs?

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they reported on what the evidence stated at that point; things can change. you are a fucking retard. go fuck your sister once your dad is done with her.

your echo chamber is telling you that journalists were fooled or in on some fraud, but your echo chamber is objectively and factually wrong. Consider this possibility, because right now you are a useful idiot for Russia and a low iq puppet president lol

there is no fraud. awards are rarely taken away... learn to research.

You answer this: why didn't Trump show his tax returns?

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Hahaha your wifi is giving me Aries
War government councilnow

>russiagate is a fraud

So you're saying that the report that Trump's campaign sought and was rewarded with Russian interference in the 2016 election and also obstructed justice in at least a dozen cut-and-dry cases was incorrect? You mean that report put together over 2 years by a republican veteran investigator? The same findings which Trump then repeated in Ukraine a couple years later? That fraud?

At some point, willful ignorance should be punishable by death.

Trump is Putin's bitch. And you're Trump's bitch. I guess that makes you Putin's Bitch, too.

even Yas Forums has given up on Trump
he's fucking finished

It's about journalists spending years reporting about nonexistent Russian collusion. They have awards for it. But they were either fooled or participants in the fraud. Why do they still have awards? Who keeps awards for failing to do their job?

Exact words out of context still fail. He could still explain a lot to people.

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>Russiagate is a fraud.

>"[T]he investigation established that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome, and that the campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts..."

Who or what designed destabilize desktop desolate dems

>Russiagate is a fraud.

>"While this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him,"
>"about the President's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred," Mueller adds.