Did the last thread get pruned or was it the mods?

did the last thread get pruned or was it the mods?

Anyways keep it sfw

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bumping for interest

Probably mods. Really hoping the user who was snapchatting the chick comes by

Bumping with pics from the last thread

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you hate to see it

For real. Still, glad to see people keep the dream alive

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Didn't see this one, guess I missed it. Love her hips

I was the one posting the redhead and braces but this one might be my favorite

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Fucking hell that figure is insane. Like a perfect hourglass

Redhead and braces are a sure thing but she is a little more doubtful

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Told me she masturbates 3 times a day

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Really? That shit gets me rock solid

Who is she? Missed last thread

Running low if anyone else wants to jump in and yeah she’s a total freak it’s insane

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Just some teen

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Got a tad bit. And teens who are open about their sexuality are hot as all hell

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Got real close with her before uni got shut down. Thanks covid!

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looks like this 7/10 teen I knew years ago, except this one was petite. your pic related just gave me fuckin flashbacks

Covid can eat shit man. Hope you get your chance soon user

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Any pics of yours mate?

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Same story with the redhead and braces

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Truly tragic

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You've got some serious game. Wish I knew any teens

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none. I knew her years ago. I still check her out on facebook every now and again but unfortunately the best stuff no longer exists. a goddamn shame

Think you can describe her for us?

Highly recommend tinder. Tons of them on there

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petite as hell but the exact right type. solid b-c cups which were huge on her 90 lbs frame. shapely ass. tan skin, some sort of middle eastern decent but not like "durka durka" type middle eastern.
Like the hot ones that end up doing porn.

at the time she had braces.
long dark hair, used to call me daddy a lot. my trip to her homestate (for other shit actually) was unforgettable

Damn she sounds pretty hot from your description. Shame about the pics being gone

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Man I seriously can't get tired of that ass

Honestly tho it’s ducking unfair that she’s 14

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Best discord: gg/ekBFNM

you have no idea. also knew this other girl, definitely fucked up in the head. her mom was super abusive apparently.
this girl had a huge rack and was basically a cutesy egirl before that was a thing, minus the costumes and shit.
I honestly hope she's doing okay.

there's potential for the future though, tons of cuties at my job and I catch a few of them making eyes at me.

Really only makes my peepee harder.

Oh bet but the risk lmao

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>egirl before that was a thing
So like a scene girl? But that sounds rough hopefully they're doing fine. Tho the huge rack part sounds awesome. Any notable cuties from work?

Oh yeah the risk is crazy, but that's probably an added layer to the allure.

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not really scene. I knew a few of them. this one was ahead of the curve by several years. I don't remember all the details but she was big into hair dye and collars and skirts and the fucking ahegao face before I even knew what that was. basically the type of chick on twitch that dudes give hundreds of dollars to.

but it wasn't really a thing back then so I don't think my brain registered it as "ah, proto-egirl" and thus didn't remember the specifics.

At work? absolutely. mostly cashiers but some other notables as well. there's this one in a certain department that is super jumpy around me. always makes prolonged eye contact and stumbles over her words when I speak to her. real cute too. super tight body and a pretty face.

there's this one cashier that has been flirting with me hard. too hard tbh, I don't trust her at all. apparently she's had issues with quite a few guys at work so im steering clear. but she is hot for sure. Latina, which I haven't been with before.