Reminder that society will call you a pedophile and demand you hanged and electrocuted for wanting to fuck this girl...

Reminder that society will call you a pedophile and demand you hanged and electrocuted for wanting to fuck this girl because she’s 14

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this one is legal.

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Bro just wait for the literal second she turns 18

And rightfully so.

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and her skin is already starting to sag and wrinkle

sexual feelings directed towards children.
You are not criminally a paedophile, but you are, by definition, a paedophile for wanting to have sex with kids

No it’s not

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You don’t know where you are do you?

This one's legal too

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Now OP is not a faggot. This is amazing you actually linked the girls social. Also she just fucking turned 14 that’s insane she’s ridiculously attractive

Show us her mom

id fuck her so hard idgaf

Parents should be charged for letting a minor sexuality being endangered on the web. That picture has no justification (ie photoshoot for a product), and the only reason we allow that on todays society is because we are fucked up in the head.

is that Shoe0nHead?

Parents should be blamed for pedophilia

Also thank you OP for introducing me to my new obsession for the next 3 years

i came here to comment this but you beat me to it.
parents are allowing their children not only to look older through makeup and photoshop but also sexually suggestive and it makes me feel sick and scared for that generations future.
because let's be real, how many parents do you think really check their children's instagrams, messages or even phones? quite low. now imagine how many have accounts their parents don't know about, i know i had one.
they love to talk a big game, about how they would never let their children be abused but when their children are posting almost fully naked on social media, twerking and making suggestive and provocative videos and pictures for thousands to see. it makes me wonder if they're being abused by neglect.
and this goes for boys too, you never really know.

actually i think millions of years of evolutionary behaviors and traits is to blame for pedophilia. men, and even women, are attracted to people who are at their sexual peak, 14-25 or so. it's nature. some people are better at supressing it but it's just not possible to look at a beautiful person and not be attracted to them.

that being said having sex with literal children is fucked up. but puberty is a thing for a reason. you think our ancestors were bothered much about whether or not our brains have finished developing at 25 or what the "age of majority" was? they were more bothered with existing.

culture is pretty harsh for literally no reason about this shit. it's only a thing because they created restrictions on buying alcohol and cigarettes and porn.

My now wife was 16 when we started

Are you a literal mongoloid, this bitch dont even look like the goddess that is Shoe0nHead

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But also, looking at the way she poses and smiles seductively, she knows perfectly well that she's hot and she knows perfectly well that she's attractive towards men.

Have you fuckers screaming 'omg pedo' ever actually had any interaction with teenage girls?? They're horny sly malicious beasts.
They're no different from adult women in that regards. In fact, they're better because they're actually younger, look hotter and are less stuck-up.

The whole "omg she's not 18 you're a degenerate for wanting to bang that" argument is nothing more than indoctrination by a society that regards (teenage) girls, as well as women in general, as some sort of innocent angels.

Saying "omg mods she's

>The whole "omg she's not 18 you're a degenerate for wanting to bang that" argument is nothing more than indoctrination by a society that regards (teenage) girls, as well as women in general, as some sort of innocent angels.
Buddy of mine damn near slept with a 15 year old due to a fake id and enormous tits. She got mad at him for not wanting too.



or you're the pathetic simp because you're so submissive you can't deal with a woman who knows the tricks of the game so you're forced to take advantage of stupid teenagers who are fun to bust a nut into and then you can have deep conversations about what fortnite skins to get and what your favorite wiggles episode is

Kek who keeps spamming this bullshit that leaves to some shitty cam site with old ass whores

Or maybe.. just maybe... I'm true to my biological nature and the societal indoctrination hasn't caught me like it has you?

Did you know, that it's scientifically proven, that women are biologically most fertile between age 16 and 24?

So when we're talking from a biological perspective, ignoring the whole 'mental maturity' (which frankly doesn't apply to women because they don't mature beyond a rudimentary moral compass anyway), it makes sense to be attracted to females 16-24.
And if we're talking about ages outside of that optimal reproductive realm, wouldn't it make more sense to be attracted to a female that is still to reach that age and is thus younger (because that means you can still optimally reproduce with her) than a female that's already past that?

I mean, science and biology are on my side user.. as long as you ignore the whole 'mental maturity' aspect.. and even then, it's also scientifically proven that men REALLY don't give a shit about a woman's personality anyway.

tl;dr: You're just lying to yourself and suppressing your true healthy nature.

its also biological inclination to rape women, and murder anyone you dont like. there's a thing we evolved called a frontal lobe you fucking ape

stop making so much sense and go after older women who have higher standards and are unable to pairbond due to being several chads pump'n'dump !!!!!

>abusing children is okay because my daddy used to touch me :^)
neck yourself

why are you saying this when we clearly have different views. you're a pedophile and the fact that we allow these pictures to exist makes me sick.

just because a teenager is horny doesn't mean shit. they have hands and other teenagers, they don't need fully grown adults to exploit them.

anyone that goes for anyone underage is absolutely a pedophile. don't give me your evolution bullshit because while that's true, not being able to hold yourself is a sign of evolutionary retardation among your ancestors or yourself. because women have the hips and breasts for supporting a child between 20 and 30. a 17 year old might look like they have them but functionally, they're underdeveloped. the only reason younger girls had children was because the chances of her dying and in turn not being able to feed her children was high from war and raiding and social politics such as land from marriage, waiting till she's matured would take too long to secure land. not infection and such because women have better immune systems for that exact purpose. to survive against them until readily fertile where pregnancy wouldn't result in their death.

so fuck you, pedo.

Then start using it you fucking ape.

Just because you have a frontal lobe that's smart enough to tell you "hey, for society and my own's best interest, I probably shouldn't rape women and murder people and steal" that doesn't mean that those primal URGES suddenly disappeared.

You don't solve the problem of those urges by pretending they don't exist.
You don't become a proper human being by pretending that you can't be/aren't dangerous.

You become a well adjusted human being by acknowledging that you are capable of those things and that, deep down, you'd want to do those things.. but you choose not to.

THAT requires willpower and self-reflection.

Simply pushing those urges down and not acknowledging them leads to people snapping and actually committing the things they claim to be incapable of doing.

Go clean your room. - JBP

Yes because if rather talk to a real woman about shit like women’s rights or how black people are still being oppressed or politics. If you’re a fun guy and aren’t completely fucking normied out of your mind then talking to a teen is loads more fun bc they don’t take anything seriously and if you want to you can actually educate them on stuff and have intelligent conversation and see new sides to old topics you thought to have fully fleshed out. A 26 year old woman has been bouncing a ball off the same wall for 20 years and has the same generic responses to everything because she’s been conditioned. Teens are fresh new and enlightened to a point where they don’t automatically agree with what they’ve been fed for years.

I never said to actually do anything with underage girls you idiot.

whuts her naime? links broked

I just want to know who she is, I'm not even over 18 you fucking pervs

yes you did you fucking idiot pedo. let teenagers fuck other teenagers instead of exploiting them because you're so unlikable by a regular women because you keep complaining about sjw's and the jewish question

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Prove it.
Quote me saying it you fucking simp.