Nightly comfy hangout thread
How are you tonight? Its chilly out
Nightly comfy hangout thread
How are you tonight? Its chilly out
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I am doing well, might get a snack later
That's nice. Consider Cheez-its, they're tasty
All good dude. Just chilling on the couch with my cat watching a video about Walkmans.
pretty good user, just watched some BoJack Horseman, about to grab a shower. How are you doing?
Hi user just back from a 711 got me some Doritos and some slurps
Mmm i could really use a slurpee.
Comfy, my cat would never sit still lol
Its been a tough couple weeks but right now I'm pretty good, just listening to some music
Good taste
Join me, 1 Am nothing but the warm glow of the TV.
good call, these ones are my favorite, what about you?
going to bed, g night
good night user
sup just getting used to living alone now we'll at least I got my cat, about to eat some leftover pepperoni pizza with some pepsi
Goodnight user
But the TV is downstairs user
The regular ones, I'm basic
glad you're doing better user. you've always got us.
Regular cheez its are best and c'mon here a comfy pic
Nice pic, saved
Hello. Why bepis over coke
Whats he grooving so hard to
Oh I'm feeling so nostalgic after watching the video. Are you an older user or young? I remember when the snes was all i needed. Here i am on the ps4 with youtube.
It's my dream to someday be able to live something like this image that's real comfy
Ha ran out and all I had left
With a city in the BG and the wind blowing. I feel high on life looking at it. I wish tomorrow would rain.
I'm pretty young, what video are you referring to?
Hope you get there someday user
The Walkman one. With Cassette tapes, i like having everything on my phone now but back then, that's all we had.
It's awesome ^-^, I wished it rained tomorrow as well.
Thanks user
Oh. I remember my uncle used to have a bunch of VHS tapes of cartoons I would watch a lot. Oldest music thing I really remember was MP3s
You're welcome. I live in a generic suburban place but want to move to the nearby big city eventually
Haha millenial?
Just started using Yas Forums and it’s already so wholesome
Its mostly edgy people calling eachother faggots and niggers for the most part, at least Yas Forums is
He's right. Every so often we just gather and chill.
Anyone playing Civ or anything like that tonight?
Unfortunately no, I'm more an action dude or fighting game.
Feeling lonely. Been rough lately