This guy is annoying. Only the libtards like him. Not funny at all

This guy is annoying. Only the libtards like him. Not funny at all.

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OP is a faggot. Only faggots like him. Not hetero at all.

White people am I right
>laugh track goes off

>blag teebee man mek me fele smol pp

forgot pic lol

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You All really think he's funny?

He’s not. Needs to be kicked out of a Helicopter.

Yeah. Hate him, and so does almost everyone on the left aswell, that fuckin liberal stooge.

He's just not funny. His humor is garbage.

>mfw the samefaggotry in this thread

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>10 replies (counting this one)
>8 posters.

I'm a conservatard and think that he is entertaining


He can be funny sometimes.
Jon Stewart was better though.

Ever notice that the leftists that watch him don't genuinly "laugh"? ...They "cheer" in an almost unnatural way.

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They aren't leftist. They're liberals. Major difference.

Thats the american way of tv
All fake laughs, all fake claps.. everything is fake buddy

Thanks for giving civilized answers. Unlike the rude people who first replied.

Hes a gay nigger. What were u expecting

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Using these stupid fucking buzzwords (whatever side of the isle you are) shows you up to be a complete waste of space parrot.

Just FYI.

Thanks for clarifying. You da man.

Libtard here, even I jumped ship. Just not funny. John Oliver is the only one I watch now

Why does your mind immediately go to cocks?

Haven’t watched it since Jon Stewart left


typical nigger bruh

Same. And Colbert became obnoxious after he moved to cbs. Shame, those shows used to be great

Conservacucks are more annoying by far.

You should see the latin youtubers they make me sick

As a libtard, I agree. Dude sucks.

>stob mage me feel smol peepee bad man REEEEEEEE

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false, they’re neoliberals. I have a circle of friends with 1 biden5lyfe person and that person is the only one that will enjoy the shit out of that guy. The left is severely fragmented. I blame both the clintons, the DNC, and Russia honestly. The right/conservatives are just laughing to their offshore bank while watching this dumpster fire burn.