Drawthread: NSFW Hours

Drawthread: NSFW Hours
>make a porn request
>wait patiently
>dont get baited
>the person who goes the longest without being a newfag wins a free drawing

Attached: 1587050376853.png (1200x1600, 643.34K)

facefuck throated type manga please

Attached: 350005.jpg (792x900, 151.79K)

Jo exotic fucking Carol baskin

Requesting Stacy from Rick & Morty spreading her legs begging to be fucked

Attached: Stacy.png (360x360, 158.92K)

Goofy and Max fucking Roxanne.

Requesting this succubus in slutty lingerie

Attached: 1584415257184.png (1069x1069, 296.81K)

I don't have a boyfriend, and have never met anyone I could see my future with.

Right now I'm at the age (mid twenties) I should start thinking about creating a family and finding "the one", but I don't think I know anyone or can find someone from my friends circles, work etc.

How can I cope with the fact that maybe somewhere there is a person who feels just like me and in a way we could be just right for each other but we will never meet each other and probably just settle down with someone else just because they are near?

Every time I think about this, it gets me depressed

Attached: image.jpg (589x589, 122.9K)

Tits or gtfo

The true problem with Yas Forums drawthreads is the focus around the individuals and not the content. It's literally the opposite of what imageboards were created for.

The people here FORCE identification onto the posters here. People will blame the avatarfags, and while they are in part responsible, they're not the root of the problem. They're merely a symptom, a symptom that reinforces the negative behavior of focusing around the individual, the persona, and not the content being produced.

You'll see that other drawthreads focus on the content. Hell, you'll see that on literally every other thread on the site. It creates a unique, and ultimately positive, culture that focuses on the production of entertaining and intellectually vigorous content, depending on the board and thread that is. Imageboards were designed to negate the individual, the persona. They're designed to destroy any attempt at attention whoring. It's why we have no likes, no favorites, no user accounts, and with Yas Forums in particular, no namefag option. There's a reason why people on imageboards generally dislike namefags, tripfags, and avatarfags. It's because it's a direct attack on the very culture of imageboards. No one cares about you. They only care about the content you post.

Yet here, in these threads, there are anons that insist on going against everything imageboards stand for, and they found a loophole to allow their attention whoring nonsense. Personalities are the focus on these threads, not the content. And much like you'd see on social media whose very design also focuses on the individual, you're left with old, recycled, unoriginal content combined with nonsensical attention whoring and endless bickering.

As long as people focus on the individuals posting here and not the content, these threads are going to be exceptionally shitty

Attached: 15680789249428.jpg (377x250, 15.43K)

nsfw image of princess mononake

Requesting Timmy Turner in a threesome with these 2 women.

Attached: ddassbu5.png (1569x1791, 130.65K)

nemesis looking through a telescope, but he also is pitching a tent

Attached: nemesis-1578654472343.jpg (1920x1080, 197.36K)

This but topless please!

this also contwnt. it needs to get rolling somehow. hence requests.

you probably think Jasiri shitposters are great example of content

I would like to request this sexy ass female ghost spy teasing a human with her coochie... Don't draw if you have chicken scratch.

Attached: Leave my dick alone.png (1500x1500, 677.11K)

Requesting a mature woman in a classic teacher outfit licking a schoolgirl's armpit.

Fudge off

> p stoned
fuckin JEALOUS
>I'm Road
nice to meet you, my dude

Attached: Untitled-1.png (400x400, 29.82K)

oh cool is this a hypo threeeeee-

Attached: Untitled-1.png (800x800, 108.01K)

My dick is hungry, I swear I'll leave after this one. Also wrong image for .

Attached: Sexiest spy.png (170x216, 30.76K)

Fuck off

requesting him giving birth

Attached: 1587928509989.png (813x1781, 802.25K)

if you're still here, I colored it
idk, I feel like the wings need more shading though

Attached: Untitled121_20200426222807.png (800x1017, 277.48K)

Requesting a slutty emo gf please!

Attached: 1587919345107m.jpg (1024x896, 99.82K)

*snaps fingers*

Fuck off

Fuck off

Oop went to get dinner. I'll brb to eat.
Repost to remind you to give your donations to Angel every day to receive their boon.
!! Shit dude, thank you so much!! Hopefully i'll do more animation soon! I really enjoy it. :D
Can confirm
user... That's my OC... And... That there is an incubus buddy
Trumpbucks bro. Had to get at least a couple goodies. Huehuehue

Attached: Road92.png (1969x3057, 209.59K)

Raymond and the gay squirrel fugging please

Attached: e070acd9b498444b573604aa2377385d.jpg (850x740, 241.5K)

Greetings, gents. I hope you're all doing well.

Attached: rough2.gif (800x600, 1.23M)

Anyone doing SFW requests?

shit i missed the first thread ._.


I can give it a shot, if you aren't requesting commission level art.

K *waits patiently for thread to die*

Megumin looking at a small dick and making the small dick gesture with a disappointed look.

Attached: Megumin-anime.png (720x900, 354.65K)

I have a commission level example that I have zero expectations for outcome. Does that count?

can someone draw a milf ebony futa dominating an 18+ white boy?


Attached: Untitled-1.gif (800x800, 64.77K)


I guess if your expectations are low enough, anything counts...

Seconded IF she doesnt have that pentagram breast thing

Fuck off

sick, now strip and do a backflip

This girl but with clothes exercising

Attached: 20200424_211845.png (1630x3547, 1.59M)

That's not how physics even remotelly work you retarded buffoon.
Please never draw again, you are an embarassment to the concept of art itself.

The pentagram stays

requesting pic related giving birth

Attached: teenage pregnancy.png (510x420, 87.96K)

fuq. i didn't qualify.
just a bro out here tryna get some loud

Attached: Untitled-1.png (400x400, 21.56K)

A pentacle as a necklace would be nice but not that breast thing

are they terrified after they looked under his skirt?

Requesting color.

Attached: 2247.jpg (2150x1010, 271.12K)

You already got this, bruh

Attached: 1024px-Solid_blue.svg.png (1024x1024, 415)

repost- im still monchin n lurkin
shiiiit dude bro next gummie is dedicated to you. Hope ya get some soon
>Not getting the weeb reference on weeb site
They're in shock and awe user! All the feel is desire and whelming

Attached: Road79.png (969x969, 239.81K)

requesting this futa bunnygirl in a tight latex outfit

Attached: 1586055347063.png (1213x2000, 593.25K)

How can you tell if a girl you want to date is untrustworthy?

What are you playing right now?

Attached: image.jpg (1620x1080, 349.46K)

>They're in shock and awe user! All the feel is desire and whelming
I understood, they realized that it was a perverted angel who did not wear underwear

Fuck off

Requesting mushroom girl on shrooms

Attached: 1586155753302.png (1609x1609, 51.65K)


Attached: Untitled-1.png (788x840, 106.31K)

Fuck off