Daily Most Enjoyable Berserk Thread
Come on in and read a couple chapters with everyone.
It's not porn, but it's still pretty good.
Daily Most Enjoyable Berserk Thread
Come on in and read a couple chapters with everyone.
It's not porn, but it's still pretty good.
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It's a manga that's been running for 20+ years now, and it's pretty incredible. One of the things that's most interesting about it, is that the author has basically reinvented himself in his style several times throughout the series, while still keeping it true to its roots. During the first 10 volumes (referred to collectively as the "Golden Age" arc), it's basically gritty 80s style manga of purely dark medieval warfare, becoming borderlined historical fiction. but in volumes 11-12+ literally hell opens up and pours itself onto earth evil dead style but in a completely serious manner. Over the next ~5 volumes you have every bit of bad in his world corrupted and risen to full blown demonic rape-fests; corrupt priests burning everyone at the stake, packs of roving goblins kidnapping women, raping and impregnating them to make more monsters, an evil god-emporer who tries to take over the world etc. It then turns into a traditional swords/sorcery fantasy where Guts assembles a team of rag-tag heroes to destroy the five God Hands of hell, one of whom was his best friend and rival during the Golden Age.
Griff-goat did nothing wrong!
Is that a... goat tower?
G.O.A.T goat tower. Yes.
I designed a goat tower for my high school architectyre class once.
Yeah. But it wasn't the G.O.A.T goat tower like Griff- goat got there.
No, I suppose it wasn't.
But it's okay, right?
Better than okay. All goat towers are awesome.
So it's at least that even if you fucked up and got a D on the project.
Don't be so hard on yourself.
You can't compete with Griff-goat
You're not Guts-goat after all.
I think I got an A on it. Teacher thought it was weird, but well built. Fun class.
>You're not Guts-goat after all.
No, but I'll never stop dreaming of it.
>Goat tower
She's weird.... Good job on the A too.
Now I want a goat themed berserk knockoff....
He was a guy but his wife had to pick him up from school, so...
Real lad, though.
>Now I want a goat themed berserk knockoff....
If I still had the Revit files, sure.
Considered builldng a Berserk themed SR-71 scale model, though.
End of Chapter 359
Onto Chapter 360
Okay.... HE's weird....
Goat tower was better choice.
You think?
It'd be cooler to build a goat tower IRL than in software, sure, but I don't have a lawn nor the masonry skills to do so.
>tfw I'm still not reading 360
Just get a bunch of stones and a bunch of goats. Let nature figure it out.
What're you waiting for?
>Let nature figure it out.
No way, goats are way too precious to leave things up to nature. If I'm gonna build it, I'll have to ensure its up to code so they don't get hurt or injured.
>Implying naturally made goat towers aren't natural perfection
And just like 359 which I read a month or so ago, i'm waiting because Miura is a fuck and this will probably be nothing more than another cock tease chapter.