>we created millions of unemployed people so nurses can make tiktok videos
If I ever need medical attention I will make a nurses life as difficult as possible
>we created millions of unemployed people so nurses can make tiktok videos
If I ever need medical attention I will make a nurses life as difficult as possible
Other urls found in this thread:
A few nurses (literally dude there are tens of thousands out there) make a video to blow off steam cause they're fuckin worked to death right now, and you flip out. You're the type of faggot who was gonna make their lives difficult ANYWAY. You've been around for years.
Fuck the health care workers.
Eat a dick nerd.
i hope they neglect you and you die painfully
There is no excuse for this faggotry you candy ass n00b.
nurses can be great, but so is my plumber. these self righteous faggots need to die. and to the faggots praising them this is just more virtue signaling
It's not like they're getting paid, right user?
All that overtime pay...
They're heroes!
>fuckin worked to death right now
Boo fuckin hoo. They're going to be able to pay off their "dream to open a bakery" with all their fucking OT pay while their husband's are forced to still pay the mortgage every day but can't say anything because she'll chimp out if he tells her how retarded her hopes and dreams are
its super based when you whine like a bitch
Nurses dont have husbands lol
This just makes me want to go outside and get stepped on by a nurse wearing smelly crocs
Better yet lick her smelly ass after a long shift, no better way to show respect to our heros.
They're "heros" bro. They do a job they're paid for. You should be kissing their ass.
Seriously, fuck nurses.
My thanks go out to the fast food and grocery store workers keeping America fed and probably making less than people on unemployment. Imagine how shitty that must feel. You can't quit because you'll get no benefits and so many other basic jobs get time off and free money. The fast food places near me have lines into the next lot over and no one appreciates them or has any respect for them even though they're busting their asses and putting their families at risk.
Correct image. Government is forcing people into poverty because of a new-to-us virus which they panicked over, not realizing a larger population will have more at-risk cases. The more we learn, the more we realize this virus is less dangerous than the flu.
We have no immunity from exposure, no vaccines (which are only somewhat effective, by the way) like we do for the flu, yet the projected fatality rate for this new virus is comparable to the death rate of the 2017-2018 flu season in the US. So, that rate will only decrease as people gain immunity.
Remember, starting around 40% exposure begins herd immunity, and will greatly reduce the impact of a virus. We have herd immunity for most strains of the flu, but had 61,000 deaths.
everyone needs to wind down after working hard. if they want to make an unoffensive dance video then so be it. would you rather they go be degenerate queers and post cocks and traps on Yas Forums all day like you?
How do you have so many files with the same name? Are they saved in different folders?
asking the real questions
>they're fuckin worked to death right now
hospitals are laying people off because they have nothing to do
the china flu was a nothing but hysteria
>n n nurses are h h aving fun this isn't allowed n n not on my w watch who do they t t think they are doing a f fun teambuilding d dance before or after their shift this is f f fucking outrageous
~jobless 30+ neet Yas Forums man of grandmas house
That's pretty stupid, user.
Why are you so bitter? Is someone a non essential?
These threads are weird. He posts exact ones and responds with exact responses. I wonder if he/she flunked out of a nursing program or if they are just a garden variety nutcase.
Someone sure is an angsty incel
>overworked because plague
>already in a field with one of the highest suicide rates
>some fat kid who's never learned to use a razor comes in because he got his arm stuck in a container of cheese balls
>the smell hits me instantly, like a thousand dum socks and mold, hot puke and chicken tendies
>his mother is pleading for him to calm down as the sunlight from the ride here got his autism fired up
>patients are here waiting on corona results, family in the waiting room, mfw they migrate to the opposite side of the room because this whale is screeching like a pterodactyl
>nurse at the front desk brings me some paperwork the mother filled out, cheese dust smudged all over it, mfw I see the patients name
Id rather they not be cancerous newfags promoting the death of everything i love
Same as you, faggot.
Nurse spends 3 minutes cleaning shitty asscheeks. Checks on 4 patients for the next 3 hours, none of them need anything except a snack. Takes lunch, gives out some water and pills. Tells doctor that one patient has a weird looking whatever.
Goes home and says how stressful it all was
a lot of them are cutting cuts in pay and more of them can't speak out against their conditions or they'll get fired.
But keep rating on Yas Forums like an incel, that'll show'em.
>I'm going to treat my caregiver like shit because of these people whose only association with them is their profession. Surely this will get me excellent treatment!
When they miss you viens 5 times in a row, it won't be from incompetence.
>If I ever need medical attention I will make a nurses life as difficult as possible
No problem, you're paying for it budd.
90% of medical care is doing nothing except being readily available in case the patient's condition worsens
So they can't make tik tok cuz they're nurses?? What kind of logic even is that you fuckin loser lmao.
What are you even doing besides getting on Yas Forums and bitching and moaning, you fucking after birth.
Ajit Pai did some harlem shake meme bullshit in response to people signing a petition to get this shit country to stop being completely corrupt, and I don't see anyone making an effort to stop that faggot.
But yeah, nurses making a meme are the fucking enemy. They're probably being forced by their corrupt-ass management to do nothing while the Feds and FEMA come in and literally steal supplies like actual pirates.
This country is a fucking hell hole, and it's retards like you that rage about a couple nurses being retarded.
SPOILER ALERT- They were retarded before this crisis.
Ok this bitch fine. What an ass
Get the fuck back to work
Why are you still posting this thread? Every day, over and over. My first instinct is to warn you that you're coming off as a very sad little manlet but I'm actually concerned about your mental health. If the lockdown is getting to you, there are hotlines that you can call and people you can contact. It would be beneficial for your health to maybe have a conversation with the Samaritans or some similar organisation. You don't have to tell them everything about yourself and can talk to them anonymously if it helps you let off steam. You don't need to post vicious and angry threads about essential workers all day. You can be better than that. Right now you're on a path to self destruction by portraying yourself to everybody as a pathetic mindless cretin. This is going to result in people giving you negative abuse which will subconsciously affect you and push you to be more and more bitter both about the world around you and your inner self. You need to step out of the loop. Give someone a call, or go to your mothers room and ask her for a hug.
ITT: a bunch of Tin foil gay boys who jerk it to blacked threads and haven't contributed shit to society.
They're heros
How much pussy is this guy not getting? All of the not pussy.
lol why are you on this borad if you have normie views faggot.
Hurrr TV man say hospital busy
Yas Forums isn't your safe space autist, sorry to tell you
just some attention seeker with no life. hates nurses because they actually have a job and he doesn't. guy probably thinks taking upskirt pics is a niche form of photography
Anyway, how are those grocery store workers doing that make 1/5 what nurses do for no benefits?