Why was there literally no way to tell how completely useless this comic book villain would be before people started...

Why was there literally no way to tell how completely useless this comic book villain would be before people started voting for him?

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He's only useless to liberals

cuz you jidf kikes are limited to the constraints of the reptilian brain

>Trump is like a comic book villain!!

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Because Amerifats are fucking retards

has he locked her up then? I didn't see it in the news. No wall? No economy? Swamp is swampier than ever?

>Ya, but I just vote to make other people angry because that's what my control told me would be funny

Attached: donald-trump.jpg (968x681, 83.37K)

he lost the popular vote. many people knew this would happen if he got in.

I don't vote.

Because he's such a sly and down to earth dude

Even his own party knew that he was going to be a shit show, there are countless quotes. Unfortunately, in America, party loyalty is all. So between the backwards as fuck electoral college, him managing to inspire destructive glee in his base and the party falling into line behind him he managed to win. Don't worry though, I'm sure 2020, where the Dems made the same fucking mistake of putting out an incompetent centrist shill, will go WAY better.