Zeus has emerged from his palace to look down upon his followers. This is the land of Crete where anything can happen. DUBS decide what happens to Zeus and his village
Zeus has emerged from his palace to look down upon his followers. This is the land of Crete where anything can happen...
Let's start with a show of fire from his arse
No fire, well how about he turns in a swan and descends upon a random virgin to produce the next demi-god.
Angered at the Christian beliefs being peddled in the shadow of his temple, he sends lightning bolts to smote them
Guy in the left market stall starts to jerk off
They all get raped by Batman!
villagers become black and yaks or cows die
Steve Urkel throws Zeus off the mountain, thus claiming his powers.
He descends from Mount Olympus feeling quite toey, coming down for the purpose of ejaculative relief.
> if I get dubs he fucks the dog at the bottom of the mountain doggystyle whilst the villagers just watch gobsmacked in silence
he turns into a bull and fucks a human woman in front of the other bulls
Make a volcano with shit
General Sherman and The Union army burns Crete to the ground.
The villagers plant a marijuana field.
Cows die Zeus jerks off and makes clouds or something
Make a volcano filled with beans
Fug re Roll
Big Z turns into a swan and gets his freek on with the bulls
all the people smoke a lot of weed!
Zeus goes for shopping and is wondering if anyone will recognize him
everybody poops their pants.
Re roll
Lil Boosie challenges Zues to a rape battle
zeus goes back into his palace, nothing happens and the thread dies
Zeus unleashes his massive veiny penis from the top of the mountain, crushing the town underneath it like a wrecking ball, causing the surviving villagers to try escape the fire-driven chaos he’s caused
op here post like this always make me giggle. its all fun
Hercules compares cocks with the men in town
Zeus commits war crimes
Zeus rapes all the women
He rolls down miuntain
Zeus infects the one back guy with Covid
this thread is so shit. no one is getting dubs
Zeus takes a big dump and goes back to bed.
Zeus has sex with every fertle female in the village
Johnny kicks Zeus in the nuts
He rapes 12 children
the sun explodes killing everything, including the niggers.
Zeus kills himself in front of everyone
rolling for weed field
ZEUS casts "LIGHTENING BOLT" causing 500 AOE damage
Zeus kills OP for this shitty thread
Jesus appears and challenges Zeus to a wrestling match.
Zeus kills all fags (including OP)
I'm impressed by the lack of dubs. here we have OP ready to draw this shit, and fate refuses dubs.
the market stalls collapse.
Zeus unleashes his godly cock and fucks the gap in the mountains
Fucking finally.
Jesus appears and smokes the weed
Kim jong un is found to be alive and well in Crete
We decide that the modest thing to do for zeus would be to plant weed. He is pleased by this and wont rape virgins tonight.
nice dubs,
nigs steal weed and kill some villagers and the cows
Gay orgy in the public bath house. No homo.
Zeus plays the Bongos for the townsfolk.
Build a big ass big ass statue
Towns people build a statue to Zeus to help the weed crops grow
Brutus gets stuck in a tree after smoking too much
Tony bologna steals all the cows.
Zeus premptively kills all niggers so they can't commit any crimes.
winrar so nigs are banned then?
Celebrate the crops with a feast and a sacrifice
banished to hades, to toil and burn
Zeus boinks all other gods as is tradition
Ken Copeland comes and breaths the wind of God. The weed crop, Zeus, and Covid 19 are blown to Hell.
Zeus gets a little lion and holds it up like Simba
There is only one nig inside of crete. Zeus takes it upon himself to kill him and ban all niggers from Crete