Sup Yas Forumsros, I'm currently on a quest for Valhalla. Already nommed down 13 500mg naproxen tablets...

Sup Yas Forumsros, I'm currently on a quest for Valhalla. Already nommed down 13 500mg naproxen tablets. Just waiting for them to enter my intestines. Should I keep going? I've still got another 10.

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Nah stop bro, you got a life ahead of you, use your brain dude, keep living and enjoy life to the fullest

OP here.
Already down another 4.
Had at least 9 from the left packet today already, maybe 2 more if I think hard enough, not sure though, and that's at the hazardous stage already (like 8/10). Then had another 8 on top of that. So I'm pretty much in the red rn. Just a waiting game.

A 28-year-old man ingested 70 g of naproxen along with an unknown amount of alcohol in a suicidal attempt. On examination in the emergency department 90 min later, he was drowsy but had normal vital signs apart from sinus tachycardia. Serum naproxen level 90 min after ingestion was 1,580 mg/L (therapeutic range 25–75 mg/L). He developed metabolic acidosis requiring renal replacement therapy using sustained low efficiency dialysis (SLED) and continuous venovenous hemofiltration (CVVH) and had recurrent seizure activity requiring intubation within 4 h from ingestion. He recovered after 48 h.

gl OP

I bet you'll be real happy in Valhalla when you're still on earth breathing from a tube and can't move any part of your body, with nurses preventing you from killing yourself

OP here
I'd like to point out the fact that he got treatment after 90 mins of taking it and in emergency or whatever. It's currently 2am here and I've been sat here ingesting them over the last 3 and a bit hours, possibly a little bit longer. (It's not exactly something I'm timing) Based on that story, I doubt I'll be receiving treatment any time soon since the Rona is around and again cos it's 2am here, and not a single soul other than this board knows what I've done. Just saying.

What a stupid, cowardly way to kill yourself.
They who let you into Valhalla for that weak shit.
Slice open your arms like you mean it, then maybe.

OP again
In addition to this, it's going to be at least another 5 hours before anyone in my place is awake.

overdose symptoms include vomiting. so the odds for you to take and keep down a possibly lethal dose are low. not to mention you only have 13g.... this chad took 70

Please call 911

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Renal failure is slow and painful, you're retarded.

So you're saying I'm going to throw them back up when they're sat in my intestines? Or did you not read the bit where I mentioned they're gastro resistant? IE there's only one hole they could come out of

OP here.
Nah I'm good, they're not gonna do much since I don't live in the states.

OP here.
Who asked?

where do yo ulive ?


You need a lot more than 23 of these to kill you.

G'night sweetie.

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Not hard to narrow down since I already mentioned it's gone 2am for me

Got some bleach on standby if you want it all out balls to the wall

Cheers dits

We pushed past the point of no return ... we might as well keep going and see what happens

I'm guessing Britain, that's GMT 0 I think. I'm at GMT +1.

You're not going to Valhalla though. Pick another religion.

Just saying it's stupid why kill yourself in a pussy ass girly way? Get it done with, why suffer any longer than you have to?

But I’m on the east coast of the US, currently 2113 hours. I’m confused about the “not in the states” comment. It’s a 5 hour difference between me and the U.K.. Are you on a boat OP?

Death by bleach would be slow and loud. Picking a fight to the death with some ruffians would be better.

Wait, no, the math checks out, I’m retarded. He’s in the UK

That’d get you a ticket to Valhalla

you're just fucking stupid, 911 wont help you with that

Plus, it’s 999 over there

OP here.
Was about to ask you. But you beat me to it

I don’t numbers good

got a headache lmao
>omw to Valhalla
gonna get laughed out for being such a fucking pussy and come back to life with a death like that.

OP here.
Maybe cos I'm not gonna leave my place to go fucking scuffle with some junkie?

OP here.
Did you forget to read too? Got bleach on standby. Don't give a shit where I end up. Valhalla sounds cool though, then again hell does too tho

lol you're just attention seeking, fuck off faggot