Hot teacher thread

Hot teacher thread

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spread em

exposed teachers

anyone got more of her?

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fuck shes hot

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Miss Hole, these jokes write themselves

anybody got any teacher stories?


Social media?

Story behind the middle pic?

Miss Hole?? Kek

school teachers are so fucking hot... and so many are dtf

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Teaches 6th grade English in St. Louis

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Some giant tittied high school teacher I fucked once

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When I was in the 5th grade my teacher was this hot 30ish Russian woman. I never really saw her as sexually attractive or anyone else for that matter because I was so young. But this changed during the last few months of school. it began to get hot because it was may/June in Texas, so she would always wear short cut tank tops. One time I stayed after class and told her I needed help finding a homework paper in my backpack. So she bent down and was on her knees looking threw my backpack while her arms were pushing up against the side of her tits forcing them out, saw my first female nipples that day. That woman is reason why I went into Puberty so early, this fucked me up for awhile and was basically turned on by any female I saw while in the sixth grade. 10/10 tits tho they where massive and her nipples were very VERY brown, that was even hotter considering how pale she was. Pic is some what related to what the tank tops where like on her.

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this is what we need

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Anyone have the rest?

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Wisco in the house! She just popped out a baby.

Any teacher upskirts?

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Im good at getting nudes im at about 65% win rate if I get added..Ive gotten nudes from my aunt, teacher, cousins, friends gfs, and even my brothers baby mother. Send me snap names on kik mine is tma339 I posted this few weeks back and got some wins .. but some how my kid messages reset or something so I dont know who sent who .. so re message me to inquire about someone you had sent previously

this thread is worthless without miss syd


fuck yeah anymore of her?

man i bet those tits are huge now...

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