98% of girls in a relationship will cheat on their boyfriends, prove me wrong

98% of girls in a relationship will cheat on their boyfriends, prove me wrong.

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i can't
you are absolutely right

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Can't, you did it op. You cracked the code.

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only if you are a loser
and men cheat more, +5% if i remember correctly

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>Taken together, in any given year, it looks like the actual likelihood of your relationship suffering from cheating is low — probably less than a 6 percent chance.

Just in case you were going to become an incel by believing others anecdotes over actual statistics

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is this you?

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Timestamp tit or gtfo bitch

Basically, expect without the girlfriend

The one thing my mom never did was badmouth my dad.

It’s because you’re ugly you fucking failure, improve upon yourself instead of complaining you bitch

It's so typical for an incel to think it's all about sex

what a fucking loser, he is stressed because he have to work like any fucking human being
he's also stressed because he have to play with his kids! oh no poverino!

she was badmouthing the shit out dem dicks doe

Fuck you every relationship I've been in ends up in cheating. Wether it's a girl flirting with another guy behind my back or straight up fucking him when I'm not around. They usually try to come back and talk things out. One girl had been after me for years after we broke up. I hate women sometimes. At least the girls that I know are all pieces of shit.

I'm not ugly, just stating an objective observation. Tell me one girl in your life, that hasn't cheated on their significant other, chances are, 90%+ of them have

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actually man who like to read and share knowledge instead of posting stupid bait
i'm tipping my fucking fedora
btw right now i'm fucking angry at my gf for acting like a "woman" but this doesn't make me stupid enough to be sexist

All Mexican bitches too. They're shitty fucking people with the most arrogance and pretentiousness you can have in a human being. My heart hurts from thinking about the bullshit they put me through.

ITT: OP is angry because he was too much of a beta bitch to control his woman.

You just have bad taste in girls because you search for people that are like you. Of course they only care about sex.

expect the unexcepted

ITT OP thinks he's ironically posting bait for the lulz

I don't date them, I just fuck them, and usually they have boyfriends. It's quite pathetic. They would eventually cheat on me too due solely to boredom, All my friends female, have fucked their boyfriends over.

We wouldn't have to call it cheating if society would just accept that there is no obligation to monogamy in a relationship.
Cheating is a social construct invented by boring-ass conservatives that feel the need to own the sexuality of their partner in hopes that they stay with their basic AF ass.

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that's a retarded perspective, you realize people hurt to death emotionally when they one they trust and love very much and end sucking a stranger's dick and getting a facial, right?

Fucking retard

You're fucking stupid. None of them have been like me. I can't even relate to their lives at all. Unlike them I'm not a bastard child. I'm only bitter now cause I put up with these chicks bullshit for years cause I thought I was in love. In fact, I was introduced to these chicks by friends who thought we'd be cute together. I didn't actively seek out these girls, they just landed on my lap. My main concern in a relationship isn't sex dipshit. stop assuming you know people off of a single post.

It always does seem like the more desperate or ugly some one is the more they get upset by cheating.

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Almost. Not quite but you were very close. 98% of women WOULD cheat on their boyfriends. Not all of them do but under the right circumstances, it's always a possibility.