If you could get away with one crime, which crime would you do ?

If you could get away with one crime, which crime would you do ?

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Hard to say, I wanted to say rape and murder, but that's two crimes isn't it?

You gotta choose one user.

Depends , if i wanted to cook meth and i make one batch is that counted as 1 crime only? If i keep going is it multiple crimes? Do i get away with it at the crime scene or my entire life? Elaborate

Assassinating a high ranking politician. Doesn't matter which one, but the higher up, the better.

Like you have a pass for one specific crime only. Any other crimes or repeating a crime won't be tolerated

I'll go with a compromise and say sexual torture. Specifically, cutting off a woman's breasts.

Would you assinate the president if you had the chance ?

Forgery. the ability to create a land title that cannot be challenged would be a fucking goldmine. Choose any industrial area. Forge a document that says technically you own that entite portion of the city or country. Now all the companies start paying you billions in leases.

Once you hit billionaire status all crime is basically legal anyway.

Holding hands

Indecent exposure.

Sure. Regardless of who was occupying the office.

Rob the vault at the Bellagio on fight night.

Wait, how do we get away with it? Like does it happen but I am the only one with recollection of it?

Either rape or theft

this man right here

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>either something horrible or something not that bad
Why do people act like rape wouldn't bother them?

>le rape
kys coomers. id fucking get away with some white collar crime like inside trading to get myself rich as fuck



Like if you get caught and you go to court. The judge would throw away the case.

Why would committing rape bother me?

Steal all the weed my nigger dealer has, nigger got alot of weed

rockthrowing on the isreali border

Murder ;)))))))) already did

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thinking about it and doing it are two very different things

Well, that changes things considerably. Even if you get away with it, you'll have lost public trust.


stealing a single lollipop

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Because it's a textbook example of narcissism. if user rapes a woman, she is there to fulfill her purpose of meeting his needs. She doesnt exist as an actual entity. you think some fedora tipper gives two shits about a suburban housewive's likes and dislikes? No. Because these people have never successfully interacted with a woman they fail to perceive any value beyond the pussy. which in a way is true but they lack the context for WHY it's true. So the abuse and destruction of another life doesnt really come into play because these victims aren't people. They're pit stops on a cum dumping spree.


Just win a world war and you get a free pass.

Steal 50 billion dollars from some bank vault somewhere, then use the successfully stolen and laundered money to fund all my retarded ideas until it runs out or I fucking die.

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