Do Latinas like white guys at all?

Do Latinas like white guys at all?
It seems like most of them hate white guys and only like black guys. As someone who prefers Latinas, this is disappointing.
Note that I'm only referring to young, US born ones. So that would be particularly ones under 30 or especially under 25.

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Zoomers and younger millenials, I'd love to hear from you on this topic.
If you have experience with Latinas, that is.

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I know there are all the ''black dudes are superior memes'' and a lot of 4chans users won't like hearing it but i'm 18 and all the people I know 16-25 all prefer black guys, specifically light skins. (I'm white so I dont want to hear ''sure nigger'')

This seems to be true for me as well. If you're a decent looking black guy you can basically fuck any girl you want

>all the people
Of all races?
And sadly I believe you.
Well, "light skin" guys who aren't too hood have always been popular among different types of women tbh. If you think the average white chick is turning down a guy who looks like young Derek Jeter, you're wrong.

Fucking black guys have it so easy.
I guess it's payback for slavery and Jim Crow

Normal girls of all races love white men, ghetto trash of all races want niggers.


Only trashy girls love black guys

Not all obviously but white/black/latina girls. The black girls I know mostly wouldn't ever even consider a white guy, for whites/latinas it seems more like just preference

That's not true, though. Most non-whites hate white guys except for Mainland Chinese maybe.

Black girls are MOSTLY very loyal to black guys and that doesn't bother me at all.
But when whites and Latinas talk shit about us white boys, it is annoying.
Do you live in Texas by any chance? It seems to be coalburner capital of the US

My girlfriend is part mexican and part native, while also being part German. You can tell she's some kind of Latina mix and she loves aryan looking white guys

older zoomers/younger millenials seem to be the worst with that.

All this samefagging chang shit in this thread
Fat 3rd generation spics like niggers
Any first or 2nd gen latina hates blacks because hispanics are hilariously racist, more so than whites

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Don't even live in America, I am in England. I assume its even worse in the US though. Harder to speculate here because theres a high population of Muslims but honestly I know a good amount of arab or african Muslim girls who are with non religious black guys

Aren't there like 5 Latinas in England?
And yeah it's definitely worse in the US.

Theres 7 posters, you act like we are in here worshipping black guys or have black guy fetishes, we don't. We are just having an actual conversation. I am assuming you're a 35+ white guy that thinks its still 2004.

mexicans are not latinas,you stupid fuck

>2nd gen Latina hates blacks
lol no. The anchor baby Latinas are the worst coalburners by far

sure schlomo

Depends what you mean by Latinas. Finding a Mexican is going to be impossible, I know a few Brazillians and Colombians and a lot of Portuguese and Spaniards if you consider that the same.

Depends on their personality. If they're ghetto they only want ghetto. If they're gentrified they want white. This applies to all races.

I mean it's vague but most people consider any female from a Spanish/Portuguese speaking country as Latina

doesn't matter what year it is, niggers will always be niggers

Exactly. We are just discussing racial trends and dating.
Correct, it's the 35+ year old white guys who get mad because they're out of touch and think it's still the mid 00s.
But honestly, I don't know if white guys did better back then, but black guys definitely do better now
There is now zero stigma for Latinas to date black guys, while there might have been up to the late 00s.
I don't know what it is about black guys, I don't think they're ugly but they don't seem to be more handsome than white guys either.
And most of them dress and talk pretty ghetto, which I guess Latinas like for whatever reason.

I'm 32 and white, engaged to a 30 year old Mexican qt3.14 immigrant.

Latinas are the best women, if you know how to deal with them. They expect to be treated like princesses even though they've never done anything to deserve it. As such, you need to know when to spoil them and when to put your foot down. They are temperamental, stubborn, and clinically insane. If treated right, they can also be the most loving and fiercely loyal women you'll ever find. And there is no one on earth who will fuck you quite like a latina.

Latinas are the Patrician choice. In my experience, they love white dudes, but only if they're not beta simps. If you match their attitude with wit and bravado they'll open their legs for you like your dick is the cure for cancer. They like it when you suck their toes and eat their asses. Do that, and there is no sexual request you can make of them that they'll refuse.

As with most races, people usually prefer people of the same race

Only true post ITT

Yeah but in 2020, niggers have the highest social standing among all races. Not just dating but culture in general.
The most streamed male artists are The Weeknd and Drake.

I just think its cool between white/latina girls from 18-25 to have a black boyfriend. I have genuinely seen girls on Insta or Twitter post a picture captioned ''me and my lightskin

This, but more so first gen Latinas. Yes, Hispanics are unapologetically racist. At the moment, their most racist sentiments are directed toward the chinks.

No, I honestly think Latinas prefer black guys over their own. I'm not even memeing.
White chicks tend to prefer white guys, but there are a lot of them who explictly prefer black guys or non-whites in general.

Indians and Chinese are probably the least liked among all races besides their own, I feel bad for them. But there are way too many of them on this planet already, so it's whatever.

We already had this thread today
Fucking reruns

This is true. In America the biggest music genre now is hiphop, most people in that industry are black. The NBA/NFL is mostly black. And some girls have a thing for drug dealers, which no racism intended, are more often black.

Chink males shouldn’t be allowed on the internet

Hispanics are racist against whites and Asians, not blacks. Black people are like the $100 bill of people to them

Minorities tend to like minorities. However, I will say this: most black men are super confident compared to most white men. It's why they can pull better than white guys. Penis size actually has nothing to do with it, though I'm sure it's a nice bonus to some women.

The other problem is that so many white guys have just given up. They're content with being pathetic simps rather than improving themselves.

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Chinese are becoming more popular especially with white guys, doesn't matter if its Chinese, Jap, Korean, A LOT of white guys have like Anime fetishes now. Indians are for sure not really cared about by other races.

yeah probably. But a lot of Latinas here in the US like dark black hood niggas, it's not just mulatto chads that they go for.
On social media and youtube it seems like Latinas universally hate white guys and worship black guys, however in real life, 2 of the 3 chicks I've messed with are Latina.

But here in New York, I think white guys are less hated on than the rest of the country. Despite NYC's ghettos having very ratchet PR and DR girls, they seem to hate white guys less than those Texas Mexican girls.

>niggers have the highest social standing among all races
HAHA thank you for the laugh

As with most races, people usually prefer people of the same race

Correct. Hip hop is most popular by far (and every racial group, especially Hispanics listens to it).
It's not 2005 anymore, there really is no mainstream culture that is not explicitly black or heavily influenced by black.

Not really, some white guys maybe, but most people where I live actually find white guys who date asians a bit pathetic and weird.

That is true. Black guys are very confident, I grew up with them and they hit on chicks once they start puberty. While white boys are just playing video games and being beta males until their upper teen years.
Though, they are helped by the BBC myth. A lot of these chicks will cite "big black dick" as a reason for liking them.

All I am gonna say is there are a lot of Hentai threads on here with guys chatting about their newest anime body pillow

No that is actually past its peak, most white guys aren't that into Asians.
And Asians have become more antiwhite.

I had a girl who asked me out, then ghosted me literally the next day. Saw her with a nigger about a week later after I finally got her to respond to me saying, "im just working on myself right now".

Working on yourself... I guess you identify as black cock.

It's like, why even fucking ask me if you're gonna turn around and be a trashy cunt. Hell, I'm happy she did that. I dodged a goddamn bullet. Fucking coalburner.

Fucking right bro, I married one and fucked two others. Beaners LOVE white Boi's.

Pic related

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I'm actually a spic in Arizona and a Mexican girl that brings home a nigger is instantly disowned
Bring home a white guy and your father will put the guys dick in your for him
Culturally Mexicans see darker skin as lower class and this is true in Mexico itself as well
Why I married me a white girl so that hopefully my kid does too and washes away the brown with generation
You can pretend like you aren't samefagging your cucked shited fetish and that's ok chang
I should clarify that I'm speaking for Mexican decent latinas. I can't say how others are because all I deal with is Mexican latinos and I can with 100% certainty assure you they hate blacks
Maybe Winnie the Ping might ban them soon if people keep critiquing their chink flu

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ITT Samfagging cuck psyop

Girls care about culture more than money and success.
that's a confirmation bias, because it is a board dedicated to people into that shit.
But in real life, I don't think the average young white guy is a yellow fever autist.
It's mostly anime nerds and white supremacists who fetishize them.

While I think BBC is sort of a myth, black dicks do look bigger because they're darker.

Three of those are me, since when did I claim my posts were different people? 2, 6 and 7 are me

Was she white or Latina?
You're like 35+ though. we're talking about younger people here.

Prove it - take a screenshot showing the quotes and whether they have (You) next to them or not

They are definitely more sexual, too. Even chicks who don't think black guys look better often say that the sex is better.

are you like 40+ bro?
The younger generation of Latinas in Arizona loves black cocks

unrelated, but can we have a "butthole visible through thong" thread?