The south shall raise again

The south shall raise again

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It’s still flat so far.

as is ass

That rump is rising my south alright if you're picking up what I'm putting down.

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X marks the spot, negro.

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bl.... acks......

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All the cracker bitches in this thread have zero ass

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I'm down to burn the south into submission again

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so undefined ass that it looks like she is wearing a diaper. Is this thread the best the south has to offer? Maybe stop fucking your siblings?

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Oh no, a redneck got angry. I better change my way of living. Oh wait, I live in a country where everyone is healthier, happier, richer, smarter and overall is living a better life.

Harpoon that whale

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if it weren't for the stretch marks, i'd say it's a man

wait for it. you'll soon have more niggers than we do

So that nose CLEARLY shows there's some black in her ancestry. But does that matter to racists? Of fucking course not.

No, been hearing that since the 90's, still hasn't happened. We don't try to glorify our rednecks either.

lol this thread is (unintentionally?) confirming that girls from the south are just tatted up, giant-forehead-having, white trash

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>The south shall raise again
And then what... lose again.
Well gee, that was helpful and entertaining.

i fucking hate script tattoos and leg tats like that. other than that shes a dime


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Man.. the photographer knows how the camera work but can't take an appealing picture to save their lives. That pose isn't doing her any favour what so ever. Her hair looks like something a scene girl would have in 2006. What's that tat on her leg? "Rawr means I love you in dinosaur"? or is it more rednecky, like "I only fuck second cousings and halfsiblings"?

Agreed. Go easy on the tats.

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>The south shall raise again
already did. why do you think all the yanks are moving here in droves. they let nigs ruin their cities

was that supposed to prove us wrong?