Dang I'd hate to be you
thank u
Whats up man
give me money
imagine ending up like this
We aren't here to be your kink. Fuck off to reddit.
Hi, how are you today?
aren't you the guy from toy's story?
Hello. Please provide a timestamp.
How's your day going so far user?
mache alles
You look sad and depressed. Is it because Kim Jong Un is not dead?
WTF is wrong with you
Schreib "Karina " über deinen Schwanz
TIMESTAMP FAGGOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU UGLY PIG
Shave that sad looking comb over, lift and get a better diet
That will show you, haha.
im telling him rn
Sage till timestamp
Fucking disgusting. Why did you think anyone would want to see this?
Holy shit I actually know this guy, he's from Germany what the fuck this is fucking weird
Hold on
I'm spotting a continuity error
Compare the handwriting on the forehead between these pics
If you look closely, you can tell that the handwriting is slightly different. Meaning, these photos were probably taken on separate days.
From WhatsApp ?
ngl, seeing you do 1 minutes of plank would really turn me on
Tf? Looks like someone forced him to do this
oida spinnst du?
ziag de hosn wida o!
Write "Matija & Branka
sharpie in pooper