My parents molested me for the wrong reasons, what's your life story?
My parents molested me for the wrong reasons, what's your life story?
>for the wrong reason
I wasn’t aware there was a right reason to molest someone
Well I was an extremely sexual child both in terms of translation and intellect. That might provide some forward momentum to a translated product or result we could both share.
yea sure thing retard
Why would anyone project such a narrative with a new conversation partner?
Yeah thats still not an adults place to advance shit like that in children. Im really sorry user you didn't deserve that shit even if someone made you feel like you deserved it
You're doing it to me right now. What sort of reality would require that level of concern or belief applied to it?
I wasn't a very sexual shota, yet in retrospect I had many opportunities to put my dick in lolis.
Oh well.
what are the right reasons?
>Well I was an extremely sexual child both in terms of translation and intellect.
How so and at what age?
Tranny detected.
When you "transition" please consult the BMP Olympics crew first. Upload it.
Sense of inclusion or recognizable patterns of requests for translation or offer of seclusion from any pre-existing list of argument or exclusion requests you desire of eternity, of which I have none for I needed this moment more than you.
I fail to translate.
Why is this ultimately relevant? I get very bored of retelling the tale or false interpretations of concern. Others have problem with interpretation, I don't.
its called grooming to convince the child its cool. There's probably like a million ways but this is the way your parent chose.
I don't know why people are convinced it does no harm, but that's all they need I guess.
You're the presenter of this virgin interpretation of this experience. Why am I to absorb your explanation or expression of my imagination any space in my memory banks?
moar plz
Eventually I do not succumb to a language of seduction.
>only child
>parents didn't want me
>first memory is of me being 4, getting my bare ass whipped with a leather belt
>I don't have strong opinions on capital punishment, but wtf did I do at 4 years old that warranted such a violent punishment?
>not a single memory of either parent ever playing with me
>wouldn't allow me to join extra curriculars because mom's lazy ass didn't want to drive me around
>literally by myself 24/7
>"cooked" my own meals as soon as I was old enough to use a microwave (spaghettios most nights)
>get driver's license asap after turning 16
>can finally do sports
>join swim team and track
>work out every day
>start lookin' good
>dad suddenly takes an interest
>he wants to learn my hobbies, plays vidya with me and mtg
>I think it's cool at first
>not going into detail because this isn't supposed to be fap material but long story short he tries to fuck me
>I nope the fuck out of there and stay with a friend
I moved four hours away as soon as I graduated and haven't looked back. My mom recently told me she wished she could go back in time and raise me to be someone else. lol
not really as bad as op but my dad is really fucking corporate and has been "grooming" me for a few years to be a good worker for his benefit.
He's like your boss that wants you to do better so he can make you do more work more effectively and fire your co-worker.
Constantly tries to put me in debt by giving me money and telling me to do shit, even if I've told him that I dont want to do that.
I'm afraid of him like I'm afraid of some big company fucking over my life
cause I know your wounded. I have similar scars. You just don't know how to explain why what they did was bad.
You are afraid of showing your teeth.
I can show you your wounds perhaps. Will you answer a few questions for me?
Bloody hell I've never read such a horrifying description of existing. Why do I, or nobody else in your existence, not bother with listening to your bullshit yet again?
Holy google translator batman
Can you expand on this translation?
Its cool I can see you are afraid. I am sorry this happened to you. :p
Did you run this post through Google translate about 6 times?
I was beaten regularly and terrorized as a child by both my father and older brother. Dragged across the floor by my hair, thrown down stairs, kicked, punched, etc. Suicide attempt when I was 11 but I was too autist to succeed and ended up in the hospital.
When my father died at first I was elated, then I thought he got off too easy, OD'ing on pills and booze. I'd have preferred him to suffer more.
Had some problems with heroin and booze in my 20's, but I'm clean these days.
Ever since childhood I've had elaborate violent fantasies that I've always wished I could act upon. My father had a shotgun in a locked trunk and whenever he was drunk he'd remind the family he could kill us all and then himself at any time. Several times I tried to pick that lock, with the intent of gunning him down as he got home from work.
When I dislike someone I constantly think about edgefaggy shit like strapping them to a chair, pulling their teeth out with pliers, etc etc etc. I kinda wish I weren't like this but mostly I don't care.
sounds like a dope story so far user. getting rid of family completely is a great thing. they will only ever bring you down and hold you back. every animal in the world leaves the nest and never returns except humans
Such a weird way to learn this lesson.
Did I say exactly what you were trying to say but different?
Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Yas Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Yas Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...
This read like an incelmon trainer's intro dialogue.
this guy
Got many beatings, many. To be honest, I was a little cunt, I probably deserved them. It hasn't affected me in the slightest, at least not negatively. I'm a balanced individual, never really think about it, I'm friends with my dad... I've got a daughter now, I've never laid a hand on her and never will. Things were different back then and she's a little sweetheart. I was devilspawn.
What a fucking pointless thing to read, let alone write.
Oh my dear, where to start with a pathetic fuck, like you
This is not your ecochamber that tumblr is, this is where you are confronted with the purest that mankind is without its restraints, you are confronted with reality, these videos show fucking reality, if you are like me, you are desesitized to this kind of shit due to prior happenings, but your comment just shows that you are some priviledged weak cunt who never had something bad to experience and lives on in his isolated dream world where never something bad happens
most people here don't even fucking value their life due to how others treat them, tell me a reason how you shouldn't shrug off death, if life does not treat you well
I value my limbs. Tasty.
I don't even know where the FUCK to begin... Why do people like you find dead bodies something to joke about? You think because you get to sit in your warm homes on a computer that you can just joke about horrible things like this? What the actual fuck is wrong with you guys? This is very fucked up, yet crazy assfucks like you are posting dead things like it's nothing. Sick fucks, doing this shit does fucking nothing. So you want to come on an imageboard to be an asshole about things like this? Let me tell you guys, you are all fucking weak. You would never be useful to the world with such behavior you present. Honestly why do people like you guys even exist? I bet you don't even know about half of what people have gone through from then till now when they have someone they've known die. You are all such disgusting bullies. Isn't it bad enough that people go through hardships of their loved ones? Seriously what do you guys really find funny about this? Stupid fuckers I'm so angry right now that I wish I can fucking punch my computer screen so that my fist can get a good hit on that asshole face of yours, OP. Sick fucks. Seriously, just fucking grow up and actually act properly about death. Stupid fuck, keep eating those cheetoes that you stain on your shirts every day.
Hey, King of Yas Forums, your hot pocket’s getting cold in the microwave. Better go upstairs and get it