Is Yas Forums smart enough to solve this one?
What is the total resistance if R is for all 20Ω
Is Yas Forums smart enough to solve this one?
Nerd alert
To stupid Yas Forums?
do your own homework bitch
as energy will always search for the path of the less resistance, the answer is 40 Ohm + some resistance of the wires.
>During corona when everything is closed
I just wanted to see if you coomers are smart enough but looks like the to much jerking killed your braincells
34.2 amps
But how can the total resistance be bigger than the one of a individual contributor
69. nice.
I don't think user knows how electricity works. Anyways can't be bothered to do the full calculations as I'm a bit rusty on them and I have no idea on how to solve the center resistors, how are those fuckers arranged?
You have no clue what you're talking about.
>how are those fuckers arranged?
I would say the Top and Bottom resistances are parallel to the middle ones and the parallelogram in the middle is a series connection
I'm sorry for the shitty image but taking a picture of a piece of paper and then transferring it onto my PC is waaaay to complex for my liking. Anyways after simplifying the outside rectangle with the rhombus and after rearranging the resistors I'm stuck at this... how should I continue?
It's not. OP posted some fucked up delta-wye within a delta wye shit.
>delta-wye within a delta wye
oooh fuck that, we skipped over that shit at school...
8 is correct
How did you get out 8? I got 5
the more it resists the harder i get
if i put 400 million megawatts through it, the resistance is futile.
if you spread it over enough time it will absorb all your niggawatts
I got 2/3 *200 Ohms, so 133.3
just multiply 20 by the number of rectangles lol 12 x 20 = 240 omegas
Yes this. I'm on it
Here's the simulation.
There is no current through two resistors. Then its basically five times two in series and five parallel
Ohhhh well never thought that there wouldn't be any current in the middle. Simulating is so much faster than turning it into a star shaped circuit
So its just 1/(5x(1/40))
First semester studying electronical engeering is a waste
R1 2 1 20
R2 0 2 20
R3 2 1 20
R4 3 2 20
R5 4 3 20
R6 1 4 20
R7 4 0 20
R8 3 0 20
R9 1 3 20
R10 2 0 20
R11 1 4 20
R12 4 0 20
V1 1 0 10
.tran 0 1 0 0.1
I(0) = 1.25A
10/1.25 = 8
So he is correct, yay Yas Forums isn't stupid
dang it, found my error.
Also got the 2/5 * 20 ohms = 8 ohms now
The 2 in the middle going up/down aren't parallel to 2 the circuit.
1/total resistance = 1/r + etc...
1/t = (1/20)*10