New queen of Yas Forums
New queen of Yas Forums
Bless it be thy Kim Yo-Jong
I thought her name was Kim Yo-Yo Ma?
Could be, I hope she reigns hell on our USA soil and nook the West Coast to get rid of COVID-19
I wanna butter her cranny.
Only faggots have a queen
Can Trump get noods?
>inb4 boxxy
It's more likely the other way around. NK and Moscow are tight.
If I don't get her nudes right now, my life will be a lie
She Already Peed on Trump!
Dewd.. much as I WANT to believe..
Trump can't even operate a cell phone, can he ?
>ywn be Madame Supreme Ruler's eunuch foot maintenance servant
Anyone has her deepfakes?
The alleged Trump is not the one operating the video device.
?? How do you think he tweets?
Hate to break it to you, but he's not the one who's writing those tweets.
Did somebody say Queen?
You mean somebody on staff wrote "covfefe"?
i'm in love dude...
If you think that somebody like Trump takes time out of his day to write stuff on twitter you are delusional, same goes for most politicians and a lot of celebrities.
He might be part of the team discussing the content of the tweets but that stuff is meticulously planned, even if it sounds like retarded ramblings and has typos from time to time.
Lol imagine believing this
So if Trump isn't writing any of that, why is anyone paying attention to them? Why isn't Trump disavowing the stupid stuff? Whu doesn't he object to it being called thereal...?
Why are you claiming something so obviously, intensely stupid? What is wrong with you?
why should he disavow anything written by his staff members, especially if the content of the tweet is discussed beforehand?
if you guys really think he's just sitting in the white house in the evening, tweeting whatever comes to his mind, you're fucking dense.
I'm gonna miss Nicki, but I can 2nd a motion for this
There's no way you're memeing this Martin Shkreli looking bitch as being unironically attractive. Ciara is way better looking than this chinkazoid.
If trips, queen forever.
>meticulously planned typos
reroll for quads
How busy do you think he is?
What do you think his priorities are?
It's comical to see a Trump supporter now trying to say it's not Trump tweeting. You think no-one would have exposed/declared this earlier, taken an opportunity to fire an incompetent staffer, to excuse away a wrong narrative?
Dude, you are LAME.
Which means it's time.
You're all wrong. Greta is the one who gets Yas Forums's juices flowing.