Damage control from the alt right is hilarious. You guys are fucking pathetic
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It's too early in the morning for this kind of soyboy samefagging.
Source my ass
Fake News.
Truth sucks
I'm just a progressive atheist who understands that blacks are the literal bane to society.
lol, why don't you follow his lead and shove UV lights in your booper? Or donate to NAMBLA like him hahah
Why would I? I hate Trump. Lol
Who cares!?
The real bane to society are Anglo-jewish plutocrats.
You laugh like Beavis.
Imagine thinking the "alt right" is a real thing lmao
> Be you, a white conservative troll
> Posts anti-black propaganda on a north korean basket weaving board
> Feelssmug.jpeg
> Hasn't read a book since 9th grade
> Literally unable to feel empathy because no woman would touch his peepee
That just rotates back to individual talent in a gene pool. Idiot!
this thread
Sage this retarded faggot. Fucking libcuck snowflakes sgould get the rope
Literally never said lysol, or bleach, or alchohol.
Disinfectant is a VERY broad catagory.
Also said something LIKE that, not disinfectant to begin with.
The left needs to stop calling him orange and call him what he really is... makeup "man".
I'm a classic liberal. I'm 26. I work for NBC Sports and have my own place in downtown Austin. Stop projecting.
I Got Hugged by a Girl
This guy is getting mad lol
>Fake News
that's CNN
we are not talking about individual, retard
>I work for NBC Sports and have my own place in downtown Austin.
Im sure you did bud
> voxday.blogspot
Sounds legit.
No, I still do. I'm not on TV or anything. Lol I work in IT.
democrats eating themselves
Downtown Austin pretty expensive, are we talking in a building or a hpuse
>mexico will pay for the wall
being sarcastic
>grab them by the pussy
>we need global warming
>if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her
>my fingers are long and beautiful
Thanks for asking. It's a 450 sq. ft. studio apartment. Lol Nothing fancy, but I'm proud of it. It's very comfy
That's not how the IQ scale works.
At an IQ of 70 you are massively mentally disabled. At 60 not drooling is about the extent of your intellectual potential, your intelligence is basically zero, competing with birds.
anyone who supports trump has literally never listened to him talk.
Your cartoons are gay.
Whats your experience with spics, what do you think of them.
Just want to go in recorded saying everyone in this thread is a stupid fucking faggot. Myself included
>Drink bleach
>UV light in butthole.
Jim Jones has got nothing on Trump. Trump isn't just killing off his cultists, he's sadomasochistically humiliating them as they die.
Ok thanks for admitting to everyone that your a stupid fucking faggot. Faggot
I have a pretty egregious form of cognitive dissonance about them. On the one hand - they're usually pretty cool. On the other, they're pretty fuckin dumb, breed like rabbits and live off welfare. I used to work for Microsoft and we managed a proprietary software for the State of Texas' WIC program (welfare), and literally - and I mean fucking literally - 98% of welfare recipients in Texas and surrounding states are wetbacks.
And it was funny too because the Mexican clinicians who would call into our helpdesk trying to talk Spanish to us, but wetbacks are too stupid to work in IT, so they were forced to perpetually speak English. Lol
>Be president of the United States
>Tired of shit shit
>Want to retire
>Want to make sure I lose next term
>Tell my dumb ass retard supporters to inject bleach and put a flashlight up their arse
>They start defending my quote
t.someone who doesn't understand intelligence
That’s about the size of it.
Why are righties so retarded? Is cuckoldery ingrained in their DNA?
What about the homeless in Austin, arwnt the disportionately black?
It seems this broad is filled with bots