Yas Forums I really need to know if anyone here has ever gone through something similar to this

Yas Forums I really need to know if anyone here has ever gone through something similar to this.
About a month ago I deleted all my pizza in a rush of guilt, and after that, like, one or two times, I had erotic dreams involving minors, I'm not talking about those weird random dreams that you forget some minutes later when you wake up, I can tell that the main "plot" of one of the dreams was anal sex with a girl and I can still vividly remember a great part of it, they were strong dreams.
I don't even know if this is straight up pedophilia or just a lack of selfcontrol that I actually can improve with time and effort, and if I am beyond salvation or not.
Since this is taboo it's hard to find answers on the web so I'm hoping to find someone here that could help me or give me any answer.

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Maybe I bump with random stuff

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You child porn and you're really asking if youre a pedophile? Really?

Should report your dumbass

Not a joke. Have fun in prison retard

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What even is your question?

Loli hentai also counts as pizza retard



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kill yourself, fegat

Deleting the pizza is good. The shame is normal. The dreams are normal. You're probably a pedophile, but that doesn't mean you're a bad person. Don't hurt children, and if you are feeling like you might, talk to your doctor about hormone medication. It will help with your cravings. I opted to not be medicated, it doesn't sound fun... but I keep everything inside. You're not alone buddy. I identify more as a hebephile, but I definately have had pedophilic tendancies in the past.

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What are they gonna do? Track down a random post on an anonymous Japanese cartoon forum? You really thought you did something.

>I don't even know if this is straight up pedophilia or just a lack of selfcontrol that I actually can improve with time and effort, and if I am beyond salvation or not.

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Not a lawyer but im pretty sure loli is still considered child porn. Quit calling it pizza and call it like it is.

Of course you know that might mean the feds investigate you :) oh well

Dipshit. This site keeps track of who posted what.

dreams are just that, dreams. See if you can control your future dreams. You're all good if you don't act on them irl.


>Loli hentai also counts as pizza retard
it literally doesn't you stupid faggot.

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How do you manage to endure your urges with no medication and no loli hentai?
I'm glad to see the dreams are not that uncommon.


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Okay yeah I misinterpreted the terms, it's loli, better now?

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have fun you stupid nigger

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I deal with the same thing user. Luckily it doesn’t manifest irl or I’d be holding tyrones pocket in county jail. Nothing is wrong with you, might be a little perverted and find little girls overly cute but unless you diddle your niece or your parents or room mate find the lolis (if you decide to redownload) you’re pretty much in the clear. Also FBI has joined the chat

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This, but talk to a therapist too. Legally speaking, they can't tell anybody unless you're an immediate threat to yourself or others, and having somebody trained to help you work through your problems.
I hope you get the help you need, user.

Thank you for this user, and yes I'm aware of SJWs reporting to the FBI, but honestly what fuck does that pic mean? Is there any context?

Yes, this is something I've been considering a lot but this "what if..." thought always pops up in my head when I think about looking for help. You're probably right, though.