Pretty faces thread

Pretty faces thread

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ITT: Latina girls that say nigga


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6 lbs of makeup doesn't make you pretty.

I wanna cum on her braces.

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Did she retire?

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>the only pretty face in this thread
>pic taken with a potato

Only had 3 vids.
Not really her job...

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Is this really the new pretty face? I see too much makeup. My subjective thinking is if I can't appreciate her barefaced then she really isn't that pretty. To me prettiness doesn't require 2 hours of getting prettier everyday in front of a mirror, that's "making up" for a lack of prettiness. I can't stand this e girl bimbo look.

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She was a model online too. Saw some stuff.


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Clown face thread?

Would love to see more, one of my favorites!

>Natural yet subtle freckles
>Soft lips
>Eyebrows that aren't landing strip wide
>Actually something you'd enjoy rolling over and seeing in the morning
This is pretty. If you're the kind of guy that wants a girl to wear make up why when they're perfectly fine natural faces such as this

yhis 18 y/o

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She went by Cort on Suicidegirls.

Valentina Nappi

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Agreed. This face needs a cum trib.

Poor girl. Acne is a tough burden.

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Into the trash!

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She did leave me at prom and sucked off a guy at a party but hey she’s cute!

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